Yes. Chapter 23.320.020 of the Berkeley Municipal Code permits marijuana dispensaries to be established in the city. Chapter 12.26.035 of the municipal code permits medical marijuana dispensaries to conduct adult-use cannabis sales, provided they have obtained the required state and local licenses and permits. Marijuana dispensaries may be located in commercial districts in Berkeley.
Yes. Chapter 23.320.020 of the Berkeley Municipal Code permits the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. Medical marijuana businesses may be located in the same zoning districts as adult-use marijuana dispensaries. Berkeley's endorsement of medical marijuana dispensaries is predicated upon the state's Compassionate Use Act (CUA), which legalized medicinal marijuana and permitted the establishment of medical cannabis retail outlets throughout the state.
Yes. Berkeley allows cannabis delivery in the city.
When visiting a marijuana store in Berkeley, remember the following:
Berkeley dispensary laws are outlined under Chapter 12.22.040 of the city code. These laws include:
In Berkeley:
The California Compassionate Use Act permits qualified Berkeley medical marijuana patients or their primary caregivers to possess or cultivate cannabis for personal medicinal uses. All cultivation and possession of cannabis for medicinal purposes by a qualified patient or primary caregiver is legal, provided such cultivation is performed purely for the personal medical needs of the qualified patient. This includes cultivating and possessing female and male plants at all development stages, clones, seedlings, and seeds, as well as cultivation equipment and supplies. Also, a qualified patient or the primary caregiver of a qualified medical marijuana patient may transport medicinal cannabis and possess paraphernalia required to smoke and consume cannabis.
The City of Berkeley acknowledges, under Chapter 12.26.040 of the city code, that certain qualifying patients may not have primary caregivers and may be unable to undergo all the physical tasks required to cultivate cannabis for personal medicinal uses. Therefore, eligible patients may create medical cannabis collectives with or without their primary caregivers to procure or cultivate and manufacture medicinal cannabis purely for the qualifying patients' own medical uses.
SB 420 allows qualified patients in Berkeley to possess eight ounces of dried, mature, processed cannabis flowers per authorized patient, as well as no more than six mature or twelve immature plants.
To qualify for a medical marijuana identification card (MMIC) in the City of Berkeley, you must meet the following requirements:
Applications for MMIC in Berkeley may be completed only by appointment at the Alameda County Public Health Department. To schedule an appointment with the county health department, contact the department at (510) 268-2977. At your appointment, the following will be required:
For more information on obtaining a medical marijuana card, visit the Alameda County Public Health Department website or visit at:
Department of Public Health
1100 San Leandro Blvd.
San Leandro, CA 94577
After submitting your application, the county health office will review your application for correctness and completeness and notify you to pick up your medical marijuana card when available. It may take 35 days for the card to be ready for pickup.
You may consume cannabis in private residential units or approved cannabis consumption lounges in Berkeley. However, if you are in a public location or reside in a multi-unit residence, cannabis use is illegal. If you live in a rented unit, you must obtain permission from your landlord before consuming cannabis on such a property.
To buy cannabis from a dispensary in Berkeley, you must find the address of a dispensary in your area. To find a dispensary near you, put the search term “marijuana dispensaries near me" in an online search engine to find the physical address of local weed dispensaries. You may also order cannabis online as the city permits residents to purchase weed online. If you are visiting the physical location of a dispensary selling adult-use cannabis, ensure to go with an ID showing you are 21 or older. You should also hold cash to complete your transaction.
The average cost of one gram of marijuana in Berkeley is $16, while an ounce is approximately $200.
Some popular cannabis strains in Berkeley are:
No. In Berkeley, smoking cannabis in public is illegal. Even with a medical marijuana license, cannabis smoking is not permitted in public places in the city.
Berkeley residents aged 21 or older can buy and possess up to one ounce of cannabis and up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. Berkeley adults can only grow up to six cannabis plants indoors. Under the California MAUCRSA, patients and their caregivers can possess up to 8 ounces or 226.8 grams of dried cannabis or concentrate and cultivate up to six mature or 12 immature cannabis plants. Residents of legal age may carry cannabis in their cars, but it must be in sealed containers or the trunk of the vehicles.
Adults can give or transfer to another adult 21 or older up to 1 ounce of cannabis and 8 grams of cannabis concentrates. However, medical marijuana patients and their primary caregivers are prohibited from giving or transferring cannabis to other persons.
Federal law makes it illegal to ship cannabis from another state into Berkeley. Since federal regulations govern interstate transportation, transporting a federally prohibited drug across state lines is a criminal offense subject to severe punishments. You are, however, permitted to transport marijuana from one California city to Berkeley so long as it is maintained in an airtight container and transported in the trunk of your vehicle.
Yes. As permitted by city ordinance, cannabis businesses in the City of Berkeley offer online cannabis sales. Hence, you can order cannabis products online in Berkeley.
The Berkeley Municipal Code does not contain specific operation hours for cannabis dispensaries within the city limits. However, Chapter 12.22.040 of the city code stipulates that cannabis deliveries conducted by retail outlets in the city may only occur between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily.
Yes. Visitors with valid photo IDs showing that they are above the California-specific age limit for cannabis use (21) can use recreational marijuana dispensaries in Berkeley. To purchase medical marijuana in the city, a tourist must register under the California medical marijuana program.
When entering a cannabis dispensary in Berkeley, you must provide photo identification showing that you are at least 21 years old to demonstrate that you are of legal age to purchase and consume cannabis. No other form of ID is required in order to purchase weed from an adult-use dispensary in Berkeley. However, to purchase medical marijuana products, a medical marijuana card or physician’s recommendation will be required.
Cannabis Buyers Club of Berkeley, Hi-Fidelity Cannabis Shop, and Berkeley Patients Group is one of the best dispensaries in Berkeley.
Berkeley marijuana dispensaries may scan your ID to track your purchases and confirm that you are of legal age to consume marijuana.
Per Chapter 23.320.020 of the Berkeley Municipal Code, up to seven marijuana storefront retail permits may be issued in the city. However, the city council may reconsider this figure at a later date.
Marijuana dispensaries in Berkeley do not take credit cards. Most cannabis transactions in the city are completed in cash. Dispensaries also provide ATMs for customers to withdraw cash for their transactions.
There are no restrictions on the number of dispensaries Berkeley residents may visit in one day. However, state law prohibits purchasing more than the daily limit.
No, cannabis businesses in Berkeley do not take health insurance.
Yes. Cannabis retailers in Berkeley keep track of the amount of cannabis consumers buy in compliance with state and local laws.
No. You must be 21 or older to visit a recreational cannabis dispensary in the City of Berkeley. Residents must be 18 or older to purchase medical cannabis from medical marijuana dispensaries.
The City of Berkeley established a cannabis commission to monitor the compliance of cannabis collectives and dispensaries in the city to correct safety and operational standards violations. Therefore, you may contact the Berkeley Cannabis Commission, the Berkeley Manager, or the California Department of Cannabis Commission (DCC) for further inquiries on cannabis operations in Berkeley.
To report illegal marijuana operations in Berkeley, you may file a complaint to the Berkeley Cannabis Commission, Berkeley Police Department, or the state Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).