Marijuana Dispensaries in Fremont

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Fremont?

No. Pursuant to Section 18.190.307 of the City of Fremont Marijuana Activities Municipal Ordinance, marijuana sale and delivery are prohibited in the city.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Fremont?

No. The Fremont Municipal Ordinance prohibits the operations of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Fremont?

You cannot legally purchase cannabis online as there are no authorized weed dispensaries in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Fremont

There are currently no approved dispensaries in Fremont, as commercial cannabis operations are prohibited in the city.

Fremont Dispensary Laws

Since the city has not authorized medical and recreational weed within its borders, there are no dispensary laws enacted in the jurisdiction.

Recreational Laws in Fremont

Fremont recreational cannabis laws are adapted from the California MAUCRSA (Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act). These laws include:

  • No more than six marijuana plants may be cultivated per residence. Such cultivation may only be carried out by a resident aged 21 or older
  • Cannabis cultivation may only be conducted within a personal residence or in an attached garage or other fully enclosed and locked accessory structure situated exclusively on property owned or legally possessed by the cultivator. Cannabis cultivation may not occur outdoors
  • Cultivation of cannabis is only allowed for personal use
  • A cannabis cultivation area may not exceed 32 square feet measured by the marijuana canopy, and the cannabis plant may not exceed ten linear feet in height. The cannabis cultivation area must be a single designated area
  • No exterior evidence shall be visible from outside the building where cannabis cultivation occurs
  • For cannabis cultivation on a rental property, the lessee must notify the property owner or manager of the cultivation before commencing cannabis cultivation on such a property
  • Before starting cannabis cultivation indoors for personal use in the city, the cultivator must register the site with the Fremont Police Department pursuant to Section 18.190.307(c)(4)(O)

Medical Cannabis Laws in Fremont

While Fremont prohibits the establishment of medical weed dispensaries in all zones in the city, residents may legally cultivate up to six cannabis plants indoors for medical purposes. The delivery of medical marijuana is also banned in the city.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Fremont?

You may obtain a medical marijuana card in Fremont by scheduling an appointment with the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD). To schedule an appointment with the Department, call the ACPHD at (510) 268-2977.

The medical marijuana card is issued under the California medical marijuana identification card program (MMICP) established following the passage of Senate Bill 420. MMICP requires counties to implement an optional patient identification card program. A registered patient may use the identification card as proof of obtaining a physician's recommendation to use marijuana for medical reasons.

In order to be eligible to obtain a medical marijuana card in Fremont, you must:

  • Reside in Fremont
  • Be aged 18 or older. If under 18, documentation proving that you are emancipated or have obtained approval from your parent or legal guardian will be required
  • Have a serious health condition, such as anorexia, AIDS, muscle spasms, seizures, glaucoma, migraine, chronic pain, cancer, arthritis, cachexia, and severe nausea. Other conditions such as those that limit your ability to conduct one or more major life activities as identified under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act may qualify
  • Obtain a recommendation from your attending physician attesting that medical marijuana use is appropriate for your condition
  • Be a designated caregiver whose patient meets the four conditions stated above

At your appointment at the county public health department, the following will be required:

  • A completed original MMIC application form
  • The original written recommendation from your attending physician on official letterhead or completed on the CDPH 9044 form
  • A government-issued photo identification, such as a State of California-issued driver's license, California ID, Veterans Administration ID Card, and the United States Passport
  • Proof of residence in Alameda County, such as a current utility bill, mortgage payment receipt, or California motor vehicle registration having your current address in Alameda County
  • Application Fee. The standard application fee is $100, while Medi-Cal beneficiaries are eligible for a 50% reduction in the application fee ($50). Note that the application fee is non-refundable

The county public health department’s address is:

1100 San Leandro Boulevard

San Leandro, CA 94577

Phone: (510) 268-2977

eFax: (510) 273-3762

It may take up to 35 days for your medical marijuana identification card to be ready. To guarantee delivery, a county health department staff will contact you for pick-up when the card is available for pick up.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Fremont?

You can consume cannabis inside private residences in the city. If you live in a rented unit, you must obtain permission from the landlord before consuming cannabis in such a dwelling. You can also not consume cannabis in public places or on federally owned lands in the city.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Fremont Dispensary

You cannot yet purchase cannabis in Fremont as the state bans the establishment of cannabis dispensaries within its borders.

The Average Price in Fremont

Selling cannabis in Fremont is illegal as all forms of commercial cannabis operations are currently illegal in the city.

Most Popular Strains in Fremont

Cannabis sales and purchases are illegal in Fremont.

Can You Smoke in Public in Fremont?

Smoking cannabis in public is illegal in Fremont, including in locations such as:

  • Common areas in multi-unit residential dwellings
  • All enclosed building areas, which are public places or places of employment
  • Within all multi-unit residential buildings constructed
  • Service areas such as ATM lines, bus stops, and ticket lines
  • Outdoor dining areas
  • Commercial area sidewalks
  • Stadiums, amphitheaters, and outdoor assembly places
  • Recreational areas
  • Within 25 feet of an entrance, exit, operational window, or air intake vent to any building where smoking is prohibited
  • Private residences, when used as family daycare homes or healthcare facilities
  • In public transit or vehicles for hire, such a taxicabs and employer pool vehicles
  • Private motel or hotel rooms rented to guests

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Fremont?

Pursuant to Section 11362.1 (1) of the Health and Safety Code, it is not a violation of municipal or state law for a resident 21 or older to possess, process, transport, purchase, acquire, or give away without compensation up to 28.5 grams of cannabis to another person 21 or older. According to the Health and Safety Code section 11362.1 (2), it is legal for a person 21 or older to possess, process, transport, acquire, receive, or transfer to another person 21 or older without remuneration up to eight grams of concentrated cannabis, including cannabis products.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Fremont?

Transporting cannabis over state lines into Fremont is prohibited since doing so is a federal violation punishable by severe penalties.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Fremont?

No. You cannot order cannabis online in Fremont as cannabis retail, and delivery is illegal in the city.

Are there 24 -hour Dispensaries in Fremont?

There are no approved 24-hour dispensaries in Fremont, as all forms of cannabis retail are prohibited in the city.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Fremont?

No. Tourists cannot use dispensaries in Fremont as no dispensaries are authorized to sell cannabis in the city.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Fremont?

There are no authorized dispensaries in Fremont as commercial cannabis activities are banned in the city

Best Dispensaries in Fremont

There are currently no approved dispensaries in Fremont.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Fremont?

Fremont prohibits cannabis dispensaries from operating in the city

How Many Dispensaries are in Fremont?

There are no approved recreational and medical dispensaries in Fremont.

Can Dispensaries in Fremont Take Credit Cards?

Fremont does not allow marijuana dispensaries to operate in its jurisdiction.

How Many Dispensaries You Can Visit in One Day?

You cannot visit an approved marijuana dispensary in Fremont, as the city prohibits the establishment of commercial cannabis businesses.

Do Dispensaries in Fremont Take Health Insurance?

Recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries are not operational in Fremont due to the city's ban on such cannabis operations.

Do Dispensaries in Fremont Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no authorized dispensaries in Fremont.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Fremont at Age 18?

The City of Fremont prohibits the operation of dispensaries in the city

Where Can I Find the Fremont Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The City of Fremont has not designated a cannabis regulating agency as cannabis manufacturing, distribution, and retail are prohibited within its borders.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Fremont?

If you notice any illegal cannabis activities in your neighborhood, contact the Fremont Police Department at (510) 790-6800.