Cannabis businesses in California must have insurance coverage by law. According to §15308 of the Medicinal and Adult-Use Commercial Cannabis Regulations (California Code of Regulations Title 4), all licensed cannabis distributors are required to carry General Liability (GL) coverage with a minimum of $2,000,000 in total and at least $1,000,000 per loss.
There are several insurers in California that offer cannabis insurance, but most of them focus on liability and property coverage. Only a few providers offer insurance for personnel and other cannabis-specific risks.
If you haven't found an agent familiar with the cannabis industry who can provide quotes from multiple insurers, you can request a consultation with one of our partners for assistance.
Below is a list of the top insurance companies and agencies that provide coverage for cannabis businesses in California:
Insurance Companies and Agencies offering Cannabis Insurance Coverage in California |
Admiral Insurance |
Alpha Root |
Breckenridge |
California Brokerage Insurance Associates |
CannabisConnect |
CannGen |
Duncan & Associates |
Heffernan Walton |
Hilb Group |
Insureon |
Jencap |
Metro |
Mosaic |
Preferred Employers Insurance |
Teague |
The insurance company must meet the following California-specific requirements in order to be permitted to offer coverage to cannabis businesses:
A full list of state-approved insurers can be found here. Make sure to discuss your choices with a knowledgeable agent who understands the industry well and can compare between different insurers.