Marijuana Dispensaries in Pittsburg

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Pittsburg?

No. You cannot yet buy cannabis in the City of Pittsburg, as there are no dispensaries in the city. However, unlike some California jurisdictions that have banned the operations of cannabis retailers, cannabis dispensaries may operate in the city under Chapter 5.70 of the Pittsburg Municipal Code.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Pittsburg?

No. There are no medical marijuana retailers yet in Pittsburg. However, with Chapter 5.70 of the city's municipal code allowing cannabis dispensaries, including medical cannabis dispensaries, to operate in the city, medical marijuana retail shops may open soon in Pittsburg

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Pittsburg?

You cannot buy cannabis online from online weed dispensaries in Pittsburg, as there are no approved retailers in the city. If you want to buy cannabis online in Pittsburg, you can order it from online dispensaries operating in other California locations.

Visiting a Dispensary in Pittsburg

There are no dispensaries in Pittsburg to visit at the moment, as there are no approved retailers there.

Pittsburg Dispensary Laws

While there are presently no dispensaries in Pittsburg, potential cannabis retailers in the city must adhere to the following rules:

  • A dispensary may not operate in Pittsburg without a City of Pittsburg Permit and a State of California cannabis business license
  • No dispensaries may be located within 1,000 feet of a school
  • No cannabis dispensary may sell cannabis to minors except if such minors intend to purchase medical cannabis and are accompanied by their approved caregivers
  • Except when selling cannabis to a qualified patient, cannabis may only be sold to persons with valid and acceptable proof showing they are 21 or older
  • Cannabis consumption may not occur on the site of a cannabis dispensary

Recreational Laws in Pittsburg

Pursuant to Proposition 64 – the Act legalizing recreational cannabis in Pittsburg and other California locations:

  • Individuals aged at least 21 in Pittsburg are allowed to possess one ounce of cannabis flower, and 8 grams of cannabis concentrates.
  • Adults who are of legal age may transfer cannabis to each other as long as the possession limit is not exceeded and no form of compensation or remuneration is involved in the transfer
  • It is not allowed to use marijuana in any form in public areas
  • Possession of cannabis on federal property is considered illegal
  • It is unlawful to operate a vehicle while under the influence of cannabis
  • The cultivation of six or fewer cannabis plants is permitted indoors at a private residence or inside a fully-enclosed and secured accessory structure to a private residence located on the grounds of a private residence. Regardless of the number of adults living in a household, no more than 6 cannabis plants may be cultivated there

Medical Cannabis Laws in Pittsburg

Proposition 215 makes medical cannabis legal in the City of Pittsburg but under certain limitations. Per Proposition 215:

  • Medical marijuana is legal in Pittsburg for only persons with approved medical conditions. Individuals suffering from conditions not recognized by the state as requiring treatment with medical marijuana face harsh consequences for medical marijuana use
  • Even if suffering from approved conditions, patients must not use cannabis for medical purposes without valid approvals. Pittsburg patients must obtain medical cannabis recommendations from approved California-licensed physicians before purchasing or possessing medical cannabis
  • Qualified patients can possess higher cannabis limits than recreational users. Patients with valid medical marijuana recommendations can possess up to 8 ounces of concentrated marijuana and grow up to six mature or 12 immature marijuana plants
  • Medical marijuana identification cards are optional but serve as acceptable proof to possess higher amounts of cannabis. The card also exempts the holder from sales and use taxes on medical marijuana purchases
  • Only medical marijuana or medical marijuana products purchased from California-licensed retailers are legal. Persons who participate in the unlicensed sale or purchase of medical cannabis commit a serious offense
  • Minors can use medical cannabis if they have designated caregivers to administer it on their behalf
  • It is illegal to ingest or use cannabis in public areas or on federal property, and employers may enforce drug-free workplace policies

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Pittsburg

You can apply for a California medical marijuana ID card in Pittsburg if you have obtained a medical cannabis recommendation from a California Doctor of Osteopathy or Medicine to use medical cannabis to treat any of the following conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Cachexia
  • Seizures
  • Chronic pain
  • AIDS
  • Anorexia
  • Migraine
  • Glaucoma
  • Persistent muscle spasms
  • Severe nausea
  • Any condition that significantly limits your ability to carry out a basic life activity

To begin your application for a medical marijuana card, contact the Contra Costa County Health Services to schedule an application appointment. To contact the county health services office for an appointment scheduling, call (925) 313-1126 or visit:

Contra Costa Public Health Vital Registration

Medical Marijuana ID Card Program

10 Douglas Drive, Ste #220

Martinez, CA 94553

Bring the following to your appointment at the Contra Costa County Health Services:

  • A completed application form
  • An active government-issued photo ID
  • Proof of residency in Pittsburg with your name and current physical address in the city
  • Written documentation or completed CDPH 9044 form from your certifying physician. The documentation must attest that you have a qualifying condition and that medical marijuana is recommended for the treatment of your condition
  • Your certifying doctor's name, contact address, and medical license number
  • A $100 application fee. You may pay $50 if you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary and can provide your current Medi-Cal card. You may pay with cash, a money order, or a debit or credit card

Your photograph will be taken at the appointment to complete your application data. If your application is determined to be successful, you will get a notification from the Contra Costa Vital Registration Office to pick up your card within 35 days.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Pittsburg?

It is legal to use cannabis in your own residence if you own the place where you reside. If you do not own your residence, you must obtain permission from the property manager or landlord. It is unlawful to use cannabis in schools, streets, parks, or other public places.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Pittsburg Dispensary

There are no dispensaries yet in Pittsburg. When cannabis retailers begin operations in the city, you must have a California-issued medical marijuana card or a valid government-issued ID to prove you are 21 or older.

The Average Price of Cannabis in Pittsburg

There are no retail stores selling cannabis in the city. Hence, until pot stores open in the city, average prices for cannabis products will remain unknown.

Most Popular Strains in Pittsburg

Pot stores are yet to open in Pittsburg. Hence, there are no strains popular in the city.

Can You Smoke in Public in Pittsburg?

No. Smoking pot in public is illegal in Pittsburg.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Pittsburg?

Individuals who possess active medical cannabis recommendations or cards issued in California are authorized to have a maximum of 226.8 grams of dried marijuana and cultivate up to six mature plants or 12 non-flowering marijuana plants. Additionally, adults who are 21 years or older and reside in the city are allowed to hold up to one ounce of flower and 8 grams of concentrates without violating any laws.

Can I Ship Cannabis to Pittsburg?

You may ship cannabis from other California locations to Pittsburg or from Pittsburg to other California jurisdictions. However, transporting cannabis across state lines is illegal.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Pittsburg?

Although there are no cannabis retailers operating in Pittsburg, residents of the city can order cannabis online from neighboring California cities and towns where weed retailers are approved to operate.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Pittsburg?

There are no 24-hour dispensaries in Pittsburg.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Pittsburg?

Pot stores do not exist in Pittsburg.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Pittsburg?

Cannabis dispensaries are not yet operating in the City of Pittsburg.

Best Dispensaries in Pittsburg

There are presently no weed retailers in Pittsburg.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Pittsburg?

Cannabis dispensaries do not yet exist within the borders of Pittsburg.

How Many Dispensaries are in Pittsburg?

There are no cannabis retailers in Pittsburg.

Can Dispensaries in Pittsburg Take Credit Cards?

There are no businesses yet approved to sell cannabis in the city.

How Many dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no weed dispensaries in Pittsburg. Hence, you cannot visit a dispensary in the city now. However, when dispensaries commence operations in the city, you may visit multiple stores daily.

Do Dispensaries in Pittsburg Take Health Insurance?

Pittsburg City is not yet home to any pot stores.

Do Dispensaries in Pittsburg Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no licensed marijuana retailers currently in Pittsburg.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Pittsburg at Age 18?

As of this moment, there are no dispensaries in Pittsburg.

Where Can I Find the Pittsburg Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Cannabis operations in Pittsburg are administered by the California Department of Cannabis Control. The DCC can be reached using the contact information on its online page.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Pittsburg?

You can report illegal cannabis activities in Pittsburg by filing a complaint to the California Department of Cannabis Control or the Pittsburg Police Department. To contact the city police department, call its crime tips hotline at (925) 252-4040.