Marijuana Dispensaries in Clovis

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Clovis?

No. Per Section 5.22.05 of the Clovis Municipal Code, commercial cannabis operations (except cannabis testing laboratories) are illegal within the city limits. According to Section 5.22.02 of the municipal code, the operations of marijuana dispensaries in the city are defined as commercial cannabis operations.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Clovis?

No. Pursuant to Section 5.22.05 of the Clovis Municipal Code, medical marijuana dispensaries are not permitted in the City of Clovis. However, Subsection D of Section 5.22.05 of the city code makes certain exceptions for specific healthcare facilities. The following facilities providing medical marijuana to registered patients are not restricted by the dispensary ban provided they are in strict compliance with Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 et.seq., and other local and state laws, including permitting, zoning, and licensing requirements:

  • A home health agency or residential hospice
  • A residential care facility for the elderly
  • A residential healthcare facility for persons with chronic, life-threatening illnesses
  • A healthcare facility licensed under Chapter 2 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC)
  • A clinic approved under Chapter 1 of Division 2 of the California HSC

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Clovis?

No. Section 5.22.05 (C) of the Clovis Municipal Code prohibits the delivery of cannabis in the city, except to and from cannabis testing facilities, regardless of whether the delivery is initiated outside or within Clovis.

Visiting a Dispensary in Clovis

There are no approved weed dispensaries in Clovis. Hence, you cannot yet purchase weed legally in the city.

Clovis Dispensary Laws

Weed dispensaries are illegal in Clovis; hence, there are currently no dispensary laws in the city.

Recreational Laws in Clovis

Clovis’s recreational cannabis laws are obtained from the California MAUCRSA. The laws include the following:

  • Possessing up to 28.5 grams of cannabis or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis is legal for Clovis residents of legal age (21)
  • Cultivation of up to 6 cannabis plants per residence for personal use is legal for adults aged 21 or older
  • Recreational cannabis dispensaries are prohibited in Clovis
  • Outdoor cannabis cultivation is illegal in Clovis
  • Smoking marijuana in public places is illegal
  • Consuming marijuana within 1,000 feet of a daycare center or school is prohibited
  • Giving or selling cannabis to minors is illegal
  • Transporting marijuana across state lines is not allowed
  • Possessing marijuana on federal lands, including national forests and parks, is prohibited
  • Driving marijuana under the influence of marijuana is illegal

Medical Cannabis Laws in Clovis

Medical marijuana is legal in Clovis to the extent permitted by the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 and the MAUCRSA. However, the delivery and retail sales of cannabis in the city are illegal. Residents aged 18 or older may legally participate in the state's medical marijuana identification card program (MMICP). Under this program, participants can possess higher limits of medical marijuana than recreational cannabis users. If they qualify to register under the program but are under 18, they can assign primary caregivers to help administer medical marijuana. The state also issues an optional medical marijuana card for participants under the MMICP, which exempts them from sales tax when purchasing medical marijuana. Clovis residents holding MMICs can purchase medical marijuana from other cities where cannabis retail sales are legal.

Typically, Clovis medical marijuana patients can possess up to 226.8 grams of cannabis concentrate and grow up to six mature or twelve immature marijuana plants indoors.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Clovis?

Per state law, in order to obtain a medical marijuana card in Clovis, you must apply to the FCDPH (Fresno County Department of Public Health). To be eligible for a medical marijuana card in the city, you must be at least 18, reside in Clovis, and be certified by a qualified healthcare provider as suffering from one or more approved medical conditions.

You may submit an application to the FCDPH only at a scheduled appointment. Appointments are usually scheduled for Wednesdays between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Before scheduling an appointment with the FCDPH, it is recommended that you obtain a written recommendation from your healthcare provider and give the healthcare provider a signed Authorization for Release of Medical Records."

Take the following to your appointment with the FCDPH:

  • Completed MMICP application
  • The original Recommendation Letter signed by your physician
  • Copy of your government-issued photo ID
  • Copy of recent proof of residency in Clovis
  • Your photograph taken on a white background
  • Application fee of $63 or $32 if you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary. Note that the fee is non-refundable

The FCDPH is located at:

1221 Fulton Street

Fresno, CA 93721

Phone: (559) 600-3310

After the approval of your application, the FCDPH will contact you to pick up your medical marijuana card when it is ready. The process may take up to 5 weeks.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Clovis?

Clovis permits cannabis use on privately owned residences. No consumption is allowed in public areas. If you reside in a multi-unit dwelling, cannabis use on such a property is prohibited. You cannot use cannabis if you are driving or riding in a vehicle as a passenger.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Clovis dispensary

There are no legal means to purchase cannabis in Clovis as the operations of cannabis retail establishments are banned in the city.

The Average Price in Clovis

Clovis does not permit the sale of cannabis within its borders.

Most Popular Strains in Clovis

Cannabis products and strains sales are prohibited in Clovis.

Can You Smoke in Public in Clovis?

No. Smoking cannabis in public is prohibited in Clovis.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Clovis?

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) legalized cannabis use for adults over the age of 21 in Clovis and across California. However, the Act limits the quantity of cannabis plants and cannabis products that an individual may hold at any one time. Current state and local laws permit Clovis residents to possess up to 28.5 grams of cannabis flowers and pre-rolls.

However, the 28.5-gram restriction does not apply to cannabis concentrates such as cannabis oil, wax, and shatter. Due to the greater concentration of Delta-9 THC in cannabis concentrates, adults are only permitted to possess eight grams of cannabis concentrates. Cannabis edibles are also subject to the same possession restrictions as cannabis concentrates.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Clovis?

No. Shipping cannabis across state lines in Clovis is illegal under federal law since marijuana remains a banned drug under the federal Controlled Substance Act (CSA). However, you may transport cannabis from one California city to Clovis, provided the substance or product is locked in a sealed container and secured in the vehicle's trunk.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Clovis?

No. You cannot order cannabis online as cannabis non-storefront and storefront retail outlets are illegal in the city.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Clovis?

No. Cannabis dispensaries are illegal in Clovis

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Clovis?

Tourists cannot use dispensaries in Clovis as the city prohibits the operations of cannabis dispensaries.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Clovis?

As of now, it is not legal to purchase weed within Clovis, as retail outlets are illegal in the city.

Best Dispensaries in Clovis

Clovis bans the operations of weed dispensaries within its jurisdiction.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Clovis?

The City of Clovis has not approved any dispensary to operate in the city.

How Many Dispensaries are in Clovis?

There are no approved cannabis dispensaries in the City of Clovis. Any dispensary established in the city currently is operating in violation of the city ordinance.

Can Dispensaries in Clovis Take Credit Cards?

Dispensaries are not yet authorized to operate within the borders of Clovis.

How Many dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot yet visit a dispensary in the City of Clovis, as weed dispensaries are banned in the city.

Do Dispensaries in Clovis Take Health Insurance?

There are no authorized weed dispensaries in the City of Clovis.

Do Dispensaries in Clovis Track How Much Weed You Buy?

With the City of Clovis approving no dispensaries to sell weed in the city, you cannot yet legally purchase marijuana.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Clovis at Age 18?

Clovis has no approved marijuana dispensary per the city ordinance.

Where Can I Find the Clovis Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

For inquiries on cannabis regulations and operations in the City of Clovis, contact the city manager. You may find the contact information of the Clovis Manager on the Clovis Government website. Alternatively, you may contact the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Clovis?

Illegal cannabis activities in the City of Clovis may be reported to the Clovis Police Department or the California Department of Cannabis Control.