Marijuana Dispensaries in Buena Park

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Buena Park?

No, there are no recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries in Buena Park. In accordance with the Medical and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) of 2017, cannabis consumption and commercial activities are legal in California. The law authorizes cities in the state to determine whether to approve or reject such businesses. Because of this provision, Section 8.56.020 of the Buena Park City Ordinance prohibits all cannabis commercial activities in the city, including the operation of cannabis dispensaries. This means that Buena Park does not permit anyone to establish dispensaries or conduct any other commercial cannabis activity anywhere within its borders.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Buena Park?

No, there are no medical cannabis dispensaries in Buena Park. Buena Park residents, aged 21 or older, who need to use medical cannabis can grow up to six plants at their private residences because medical marijuana dispensaries remain prohibited in the city. Qualified patients and primary caregivers with valid medical marijuana cards can only privately grow a maximum of six cannabis plants and not in any public space. Outdoor cultivation is banned. So when you search online with keywords like cannabis dispensaries near me, or weed dispensary near me, the closest one you may find may be in a neighboring city where cannabis dispensaries are legal.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Buena Park?

No, Buena Park bans all cannabis commercial activities, including dispensaries, which means you cannot buy cannabis online. There are no weed dispensaries online in Buena Park. Likewise, the law also prohibits commercial cannabis distribution or delivery. So you cannot have cannabis delivered to you, even if you order from weed dispensaries in neighboring cities.

Visiting a Dispensary in Buena Park

Buena Park has no medical or recreational cannabis dispensaries that residents can visit.

Buena Park Dispensary Laws

Buena Park dispensary laws are codified in Chapter 19.1304 of the Buena Park City Ordinance. The law prohibits commercial cultivation, manufacture, processing, possession, distribution, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, and delivery of cannabis. However, qualified patients can cultivate cannabis in their private residences for personal medical use. The law does not permit qualified patients to give out cannabis free or for cash to any other person. Primary caregivers can cultivate cannabis on behalf of their patients for personal medical purposes in private spaces, including a house, apartment unit, mobile unit, or other legal residential dwelling. A primary caregiver is only allowed to cultivate cannabis at no extra cost and exclusively for medical purposes for a maximum of five qualified patients at a time.

Section 19.1304.030 of the Buena Park City Ordinance outlines the requirements for cultivating cannabis, which includes:

  • Cannabis cultivation must be done only within a private residence or an enclosed accessory structure set upon the grounds of a private residence.
  • Only persons 21 years old or older are permitted to cultivate cannabis.
  • The cannabis cultivation area or structure must be fully enclosed and secure.
  • Eligible persons are only allowed to cultivate six cannabis plants.

Violating these laws will attract civil penalties. Smoking or consuming cannabis in public places in Buena Park is prohibited. Residents can only consume marijuana in their private residences.

Recreational Laws in Buena Park

Buena Park laws permit the consumption of marijuana for recreational use in private spaces but only by persons aged 21 or older. However, all commercial activities involving marijuana are prohibited, including the delivery, sale, storage, or cultivation of cannabis.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Buena Park

Buena Park City Code of Ordinances legalizes the consumption of medical cannabis by persons aged 21 years or older. They are also allowed to grow medicinal cannabis in their private residences since medicinal cannabis dispensaries are prohibited in the state. Only persons with eligible medical conditions, such as cancer, chronic pain, and AIDs, can get medical marijuana ID cards.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Buena Park

To get a medical marijuana card in Buena Park, you would need a verifiable medical report showing that you have one of the eligible medical conditions. After this, you will complete the VSB Medical Marijuana Identification Card provided by the Department of Cannabis Control. In the section where you are required to select your county, indicate “Orange County.” During your application, you would need to provide the following documents:

  • Your completed application form
  • A copy of your medical recommendation from a California-licensed physician on an official letterhead or prescription pad. You may also submit your Written Documentation of Patient's Medical Record. Note that your physician's license will be verified with the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California
  • Proof of identity (US Passport, State ID Card, California Driver’s License, Veterans Administration ID Card, or any other government-issued ID)
  • Proof that you reside in Orange County. You can present a document showing your name and address, such as a recent utility bill, California motor vehicle registration, or mortgage payment receipt. P.O. Box address will not pass for address verification

Follow these steps to apply for your Medical Marijuana Card in Buena Park:

  1. Check the application checklist to be sure you have all the required documents.
  2. When you complete the application and get the required documents ready, book an appointment with the office by calling 714-480-6707 or emailing Note that you will only be attended to if you have an appointment.
  3. Take along your completed application, required documents, and application fee when going for your appointment. The application fee for non-Medi-Cal applicants is $84, while qualified Medi-Cal patients and their caregivers will get a 50% fee reduction and pay $42.
  4. You can visit the Orange County Health Department, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Submit the application in person at Orange County Health Department:

Health Care Agency

_Office of Vital Records _

200 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 100-B

Santa Ana, CA 92701

(714) 480-6707

Processing your application may take up to 35 days to receive your MMIC for a complete application. The department will reach out to you when your ID card is ready for pickup.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Buena Park?

The only legal places to consume cannabis in Buena Park are secured and enclosed areas in private residences.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Buena Park Dispensary

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Buena Park.

The Average Price in Buena Park

Cannabis is only cultivated privately in Buena Park; it is not sold.

Most Popular Strains in Buena Park

Buena Park residents only have access to privately cultivated cannabis since cannabis dispensaries are prohibited. Therefore, there is no way to know the most popular cannabis strains sold in the city.

Can You Smoke in Public in Buena Park?

No, Buena Park strictly prohibits any form of smoking or vaping in public.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Buena Park?

You can only possess six marijuana plants at once in Buena Park.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Buena Park?

No. You cannot ship cannabis within the city because it is prohibited by the Buena Park City Ordinance. Likewise, federal laws prohibit shipping cannabis across state lines in Buena Park.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Buena Park?

No, since there are no dispensaries in Buena Park, you cannot order cannabis online through weed dispensaries in Buena Park.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Buena Park?

No. Buena Park bans the operation of cannabis dispensaries, including 24-hour dispensaries.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Buena Park?

There are no dispensaries that tourists can use in Buena Park because commercial cannabis sales are banned in the city.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Buena Park?

You need your Medical Marijuana ID Card to cultivate cannabis in Buena Park, but there are no medical or recreational dispensaries in the city.

Best Dispensaries in Buena Park

Buena Park does not permit the establishment of dispensaries anywhere within the city’s borders.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Buena Park?

There are no cannabis dispensaries for residents to visit in Buena Park.

How Many Dispensaries are in Buena Park?

Cannabis dispensaries are banned in Buena Park.

Can Dispensaries in Buena Park Take Credit Cards?

There are no dispensaries in Buena Park.

How Many Dispensaries You Can Visit in One Day in Buena Park

Buena Park City Ordinances do not permit the sale of cannabis, so there are no dispensaries for residents to visit within the city’s borders.

Do Dispensaries in Buena Park Take Health Insurance?

The establishment of dispensaries in Buena Park is illegal.

Do Dispensaries in Buena Park Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Weed is not sold in Buena Park, because commercial businesses are not legal within the city’s limits.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Buena Park at Age 18?

No, there are no dispensaries in Buena Park and only persons aged 21 years or older can consume cannabis.

Where Can I Find Buena Park Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

To find the Buena Park Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information, check the Department of Cannabis Control.)‘s website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Buena Park?

Illegal cannabis activities in Buena Park can be reported by submitting a complaint to the Department of Cannabis Control and providing all the required information.