No. According to Chapter 15.30.030 of the Fullerton City Municipal Code, marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the city. Although the city briefly permitted the operations of up to five cannabis retail outlets in the city in November 2020, the Fullerton City Council voted 3-2 to repeal the November 2020 ordinance after much public discussion and comment at its February 16, 2021, meeting.
No. Pursuant to the Fullerton Code, it is illegal to operate cannabis dispensaries in the city, including medical marijuana dispensaries.
No. You cannot buy marijuana online legally in Fullerton since the city government does not allow marijuana dispensaries or deliveries.
In Fullerton, there are no authorized dispensaries from which you may purchase marijuana. So, you cannot yet legally buy weed in the city.
Cannabis dispensaries are illegal in Fullerton; hence, there are currently no dispensary laws in the city.
The Fullerton recreational marijuana laws are obtained from the California Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). These include:
California counties and cities may restrict or regulate dispensaries and marijuana cultivation, even for medical marijuana purposes. Under the state medical marijuana laws, any municipality or county may have its own ordinances. Although Fullerton bans the operations of medical marijuana dispensaries within its borders, marijuana cultivation indoors for personal use remains legal, among other provisions under the state medical cannabis laws.
Since Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act was approved in 1996, cannabis use for medical purposes has been legal in Fullerton and the rest of California. After Proposition 64 legalized adult-use marijuana, the legislature approved the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), establishing a unified framework for regulating both medical and adult-use marijuana.
Under the MAUCRSA, patients with a physician's recommendations may cultivate or possess more marijuana than recreational users. Patients and their caregivers may possess up to six mature or twelve immature cannabis plants and eight ounces of dried cannabis. In addition, if you are under 21 and want to buy marijuana, you must obtain a doctor's recommendation. A medical marijuana ID card issued by the county health authority exempts you from paying sales tax on marijuana purchases.
In order to qualify for a medical marijuana (MMJ) card in Fullerton, you must be aged 18, live in the City of Fullerton, and be certified to have one or more approved medical conditions. These health conditions include cancer, persistent muscle spasms, glaucoma, anorexia, AIDS, cachexia, migraine, and seizures.
Applications for an MMJ card in Fullerton can only be completed at a scheduled appointment at the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA). You may schedule an appointment with the OCHCA by calling the agency at (714) 480-6707. Available times are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
At your application appointment, the following will be required:
Submit completed applications at:
Orange County Health Care Agency
Public Health Services
Office of Vital Records
Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program
200 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Suite 100-B
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Upon submission of your application, the physician's office will verify the physician's recommendation, and the Medical Board of California or Osteopathic Medical Board of California will verify the physician's license. It may take up to 35 days to get your MMIC if your application is complete. In order to ensure delivery, you will be notified when your ID card is ready for pickup.
In Fullerton, cannabis use is legal only in residents' private residences. Consumption of cannabis is prohibited in all public locations. Parks, walkways, and commercial and residential places are all off-limits for cannabis use. If you reside in a leased or rented property, you need your landlord or property manager's approval to use cannabis on such a property. Smoking marijuana while driving or traveling as a passenger in a vehicle is likewise illegal.
There are no legal ways to buy cannabis in Fullerton, as the operations of cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.
Fullerton does not permit cannabis sales within its borders.
The sale of cannabis products is prohibited in Fullerton.
No. Even if you have a medicinal marijuana card, you cannot smoke cannabis in public in Fullerton. It is also legal for landlords and property owners to prohibit using and possessing cannabis and cannabis products on their premises.
Fullerton adults over 21 can possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of dried cannabis. They may also cultivate up to six marijuana plants indoors. Adults between 18 and 20 may legally acquire and possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana and 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants with a doctor's recommendation and a medical marijuana card. If you possess above the legal limit, you may be charged with a misdemeanor and penalized with up to 6 months imprisonment, a $500 fine, or both.
No. Transporting marijuana over state lines involves interstate commerce. Consequently, such action becomes a federal issue. Despite the legalization of marijuana in California, the substance remains a Schedule I controlled drug according to the United States Controlled Substances Act. The federal government does not recognize marijuana as having an established medicinal purpose and views it as having a high abuse risk. Consequently, shipping marijuana across state lines into Fullerton, even if it is legal in the other state, may result in a federal drug trafficking charge.
No. You cannot order cannabis online, as cannabis dispensaries are illegal in Fullerton.
No. There are currently no approved cannabis dispensaries in Fullerton.
Tourists cannot use weed dispensaries in Fullerton as the city bans the operations of cannabis dispensaries.
Currently, it is illegal to purchase weed within Fullerton, as weed dispensaries are illegal in the city.
Fullerton prohibits the operations of marijuana dispensaries within its jurisdiction.
The City of Fullerton has not approved any dispensary to operate in the city.
There are no dispensaries authorized to dispense marijuana in the City of Fullerton.
Dispensaries are not yet allowed to operate within the borders of Fullerton.
You cannot yet visit a dispensary in Fullerton, as cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.
There are no authorized cannabis dispensaries in the City of Fullerton.
With no authorized marijuana dispensaries in the City of Fullerton, you cannot yet legally purchase marijuana in the city.
Fullerton has no approved marijuana dispensary per the city ordinance.
The City of Fullerton has not designated any city agency or division as its cannabis regulator. However, for more information about cannabis ordinances and operations in the city, contact the Fullerton Manager or the California Department of Cannabis Control. You may find the contact information of the Fullerton Manager on the Fullerton Government website.
You may report illegal cannabis activities in Fullerton by contacting the Fullerton Code Enforcement Division, the Fullerton police department, or file a complaint to the California DCC (Department of Cannabis Control).