Marijuana Dispensaries in Irvine

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Irvine?

No. Through Ordinance No. 18-01, Irvine bans the establishment of all forms of commercial cannabis activities regardless of whether such operations are related to recreational or medical purposes.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Irvine?

No. There are no approved medical marijuana dispensaries in Irvine as the city prohibits all commercial-related cannabis operations as stipulated in Irvine Council Ordinance No. 18-01.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Irvine?

You cannot legally purchase cannabis online as there are no authorized weed dispensaries in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Irvine

There are currently no approved dispensaries in Irvine, as commercial cannabis operations are prohibited in the city.

Irvine Dispensary Laws

Since the city has not authorized medical and recreational weed within its borders, there are no dispensary laws enacted in the jurisdiction.

Recreational Laws in Irvine

Although Proposition 64 legalized cannabis in the State of California, counties, and municipalities are permitted to prohibit certain cannabis business activities within their jurisdictions. While Irvine County residents can possess and use cannabis within the stipulated limits under MAUCRSA, cannabis retail, delivery, distribution, and manufacturing are banned in the city.

Residents may plant up to six living cannabis plants for personal use and possess the cannabis produced by the plants. Such planting can only occur within private residences in locations securely locked, inaccessible to minors, and out of public view. Up to six cannabis plants may be grown, cultivated, harvested, dried, or processed in a single private dwelling unit, or upon the grounds of such a private residence, at one time.

It is illegal to drive under the influence of cannabis in Irvine, and possessing an open container or package of cannabis while driving or riding in the passenger seat of a vehicle is prohibited.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Irvine

While Irvine prohibits the establishment of medical weed dispensaries in the city, residents may cultivate up to six cannabis plants indoors for medical purposes. The delivery of medical marijuana is also banned in the city.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Irvine

In order to be eligible to obtain a medical marijuana card in the City of Irvine, you must:

  • Be aged 18 or older
  • Reside in Irvine
  • Have your primary care physician certify that you suffer from one of the qualifying medical conditions and recommend the use of marijuana in managing the condition. These conditions include:
    • Arthritis
    • AIDS
    • Glaucoma
    • Severe nausea
    • Cachexia
    • Cancer
    • Anorexia
    • Chronic Pain
    • Seizures
    • Migraine
    • Persistent muscle spasm
    • Any medical condition that significantly limits your ability to conduct basic life activities or inflicts serious harm on your physical and mental health, such as those covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

You may obtain a medical marijuana card in Irvine by scheduling an appointment with the Orange County Health Care Agency. To schedule an appointment, call the agency at (714) 480-6717. The agency makes appointment schedules between 8:00 a.m. and 12: 00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Note that a medical marijuana card application is not accepted on a walk-in basis. Upon completion, submit the application at:

Health Care Agency

Office of Vital Records

200 W. Santa Ana Boulevard, Suite 100-B

Santa Ana, CA 92701

Phone: (714) 480-6717

Prior to your appointment, the following are required:

Take the following to your appointment with the county health care agency:

  • A completed original MMIC application form
  • The original written recommendation from your attending physician on official letterhead, prescription pad, or written documentation of medical record
  • A government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license issued by the State of California, California ID, Veterans Administration ID Card, and the United States Passport
  • Proof of residence in Orange County, such as a current utility bill, mortgage payment receipt, or California motor vehicle registration having your current address in Orange County
  • Application Fee. The standard application fee is $84, while Medi-Cal beneficiaries are eligible for a 50% reduction in the application fee. Payment can be made by money order or cash. Note that the application fee is non-refundable
  • Proof of emancipation. This proof applies to emancipated minors only. Non-emancipated minors are required to be accompanied by their legal guardians or parents

It may take up to 5 weeks for your medical marijuana card to be ready. A county health agency staff will contact you for pick-up when the card is available to guarantee delivery. If the county health care agency denies your application, you can file an appeal with the California Department of Public Health at no fee. Note that application for a medical marijuana identification card is optional under the California medical marijuana identification card program.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Irvine?

You can consume cannabis inside private residences in the city. If you live in a rented unit, you must obtain permission from the landlord before consuming cannabis in such a dwelling. You can also not consume cannabis in public places or on federally owned lands in the city.

How to Buy Cannabis at an Irvine Dispensary

You cannot yet purchase cannabis in Irvine as the state has banned the establishment of cannabis dispensaries within its borders.

The Average Price in Irvine

It is illegal to sell cannabis in Irvine, as all forms of commercial cannabis operations are currently illegal in the city.

Most Popular Strains in Irvine

Cannabis sales and purchases are illegal in Irvine.

Can You Smoke in Public in Irvine?

No. Section 11342.4 (a) of the Health and Safety Code prohibits cannabis smoking in any public place. Cannabis use is restricted to private properties, not parks, sidewalks, or other areas where tobacco smoking is illegal.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Irvine?

Under Section 11362.1 of the Health and Safety Code, it is not a violation of municipal or state law for a person 21 years of age or older to possess, process, transport, buy, acquire, or give away to another person 21 years of age or older, without remuneration, up to 28.5 grams of cannabis. It is also legal for Irvine residents aged 21 or older to possess, process, transport, purchase, obtain, or give away to another person 21 or older without any compensation, up to eight grams of concentrated cannabis.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Irvine?

It is illegal to ship cannabis across state lines into Irvine as such an act is considered a federal offense and attracts stringent penalties.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Irvine?

No. You cannot order cannabis online in Irvine as cannabis retail, and delivery is illegal in the city.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Irvine?

There are no approved 24-hour dispensaries in the city, as all forms of cannabis retail are prohibited.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Irvine?

No. Tourists cannot use dispensaries in Irvine as no dispensaries are authorized to sell cannabis in the city.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Irvine?

There are no authorized dispensaries in Irvine, as commercial cannabis activities are banned in the city.

Best Dispensaries in Irvine

There are currently no approved dispensaries in Irvine.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Irvine?

Irvine prohibits cannabis dispensaries from operating in the city

How Many Dispensaries are in Irvine?

There are no approved recreational and medical dispensaries in Irvine.

Can Dispensaries in Irvine Take Credit Cards?

Irvine does not allow marijuana dispensaries to operate in its jurisdiction.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot visit an approved marijuana dispensary in Irvine, as the city prohibits the establishment of commercial cannabis businesses.

Do Dispensaries in Irvine Take Health Insurance?

Recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries are not operational in Irvine due to the city's ban on such cannabis operations.

Do Dispensaries in Irvine Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no authorized dispensaries in Irvine.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Irvine at Age 18?

The City of Irvine prohibits the operation of dispensaries in the city

Where Can I Find the Irvine Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The City of Irvine has not designated a cannabis regulating agency as cannabis manufacturing, distribution, and retail are prohibited within its borders.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Irvine?

To report illegal cannabis activity in your area, contact the Irvine Police Department at (949) 727-7000.