No. Per Section 9-1-55 of the Laguna Niguel Code of Ordinances, the operation or establishment of any marijuana business, including recreational cannabis dispensaries, is prohibited in Laguna Niguel. The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), passed in 2017, permits each municipality in California to adopt ordinances to either allow or prohibit marijuana activities within their jurisdictions. However, cannabis is legal for both recreational and medical purposes in California. The approval of Proposition 64 in 2016 by California voters legalized adult-use cannabis for persons aged 21 and over and established recreational weed dispensaries across the state.
No, Section 9-1-55.1(b) of the Laguna Niguel Code of Ordinances prohibits every medical marijuana business activity, including medical cannabis dispensary operations. According to the City Code of Ordinances, no permit, whether discretionary or administrative, shall be approved or issued for the establishment of any medical marijuana dispensary in any of the city's zoning districts. However, California has legalized medical marijuana and issues licenses to persons or entities interested in engaging in medical cannabis businesses at the state level.
The enactment of the Compassionate Use Act in 1996 legalized medical marijuana for patients with certain debilitating ailments, enabling them to get medicinal cannabis at licensed dispensaries across the state to manage their health conditions. However, Laguna Niguel has adopted an ordinance to ban medical marijuana businesses within its borders.
Yes. Although Laguna Niguel does not have any marijuana dispensaries, residents can purchase cannabis online from licensed dispensaries in other California cities, especially those in nearby cities/towns. Such dispensaries usually maintain online menus on their websites that enable consumers to order marijuana products from any part of the state, including Laguna Niguel.
Anyone shopping for cannabis products online may visit the dispensary's physical location to pick up their orders or have them delivered to their local address in Laguna Niguel. Note that no person or entity is approved or licensed to engage in cannabis delivery services in the city. So, it is essential to confirm if an out-of-city weed dispensary can deliver marijuana products to customers in Laguna Niguel before ordering from them online.
Laguna Niguel prohibits the operations of marijuana dispensaries, but city residents are not barred from visiting other California cities or towns to purchase cannabis products. When visiting, recreational marijuana customers must carry valid government-issued identification cards, or they will not be allowed into any dispensary. Similarly, California marijuana laws require eligible medical cannabis patients to hold their state-issued medical marijuana cards or physicians' recommendations, whichever is applicable, when visiting licensed cannabis dispensaries near Laguna Niguel. It is also important to have a sufficient sum of money when visiting any weed dispensary in California, as they do not permit credit cards for marijuana products purchases.
It is prohibited to establish or run a marijuana dispensary in Laguna Niguel. Per Section 9-1-55.2 of the Laguna Niguel Code of Ordinances, anyone or entity that runs a cannabis dispensary in the city is an infraction or a misdemeanor, as determined by the district attorney of the city attorney. Section 9-1-53.3 of the City Code of Ordinances also considers a violation of this rule public nuisance. The city attorney may bring a civil action for civil penalties and injunctive relief against anyone who establishes or operates a marijuana dispensary in Laguna Niguel.
Personal recreational use of marijuana is allowed in Laguna Niguel to the extent that California laws permit. The following are some of the adult-use cannabis laws in Aguna Niguel:
In line with California medical cannabis laws, it is legal to possess and consume medical marijuana in Laguna Niguel. However, only patients living with certain debilitating medical conditions stipulated in the California Compassionate Use Act can use cannabis for medical purposes in the city. Such persons may cultivate the number of marijuana plants as required by their medical conditions at home for personal use, but the cultivation area must not exceed 100 square feet.
Patients living with qualifying medical conditions for cannabis treatment in Laguna Niguel can apply to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) for a California medical marijuana card. They must take the following steps:
200 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Suite 100-B
Santa Ana, CA 92701
The OCHCA will contact the applicant to pick up their medical marijuana card as soon as their application is approved. The application process may take up to 35 days from the submission date.
In Laguna Niguel, marijuana users can consume cannabis legally on private properties but not in public.
Marijuana consumers in Laguna Niguel may only buy cannabis at licensed dispensaries in nearby cities or other California towns/cities since there are no dispensaries in Laguna Niguel. While going there, they must hold valid IDs, physicians' recommendations, or their medical marijuana cards, whichever is applicable.
There are no cannabis dispensaries in Laguna Niguel.
The most popularly consumed marijuana strains in Laguna Niguel include Durban Poison, Wedding Cake, GG4, Gelato, Blue Dream, and Runtz.
It is unlawful to smoke cannabis in public in Laguna Niguel. Similarly, smoking marijuana, where it is illegal to smoke tobacco, is prohibited.
In Laguna Niguel, cannabis patients may hold up to 8 ounces of medical marijuana, while recreational cannabis consumers may possess up to 28.5 grams of usable cannabis and 8 grams of marijuana concentrate.
No. Shipping marijuana across state lines into Laguna Niguel is illegal and a federal offense. Marijuana is prohibited at the federal level and is considered a Schedule I substance under the Federal Controlled Substances Act.
Yes, ordering cannabis online is a convenient option for buying cannabis and having them delivered to local addresses in Laguna Niguel.
There are no weed dispensaries in Laguna Niguel.
No, because Laguna Niguel prohibits the operations and establishment of cannabis dispensaries.
Although no licensed marijuana dispensary operates in Laguna Niguel, valid IDs are required to enter California-licensed dispensaries.
There are no cannabis dispensaries in Laguna Niguel.
California-licensed marijuana dispensaries scan customers' IDs for age and identity verification, but none operate in Laguna Niguel.
Not a single weed dispensary exists in Laguna Niguel.
No. Federal law prohibits licensed cannabis dispensaries in Laguna Niguel from accepting credit cards.
There are no pot dispensaries in Laguna Niguel.
Marijuana remains a prohibited substance at the federal level. As a result, no California-licensed cannabis dispensaries, including those around Laguna Niguel, can take health insurance as means of payment.
While no cannabis dispensary runs in Laguna Niguel, California law requires licensed dispensaries in the state to track customers' purchases. The adopted cannabis tracking system in the state is California Cannabis Track and Trace (CCTT).
There are no licensed weed dispensaries in Laguna Niguel. However, anyone qualified for medical cannabis treatment in the city can enter a medical marijuana dispensary in any neighboring city or town at age 18.
The "contact us" page of the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) website has the department's contact information. The DCC regulates cannabis activities in Laguna Niguel.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) takes reports of illegal cannabis activities in Laguna Niguel at (949) 770-6011. Similarly, residents can report such incidents to the Laguna Niguel Police Services at (949) 362-4346.