No. There are no licensed cannabis retailers in Newport Beach. According to Chapter 10.70 of the Newport Beach municipal code, the city council prohibits the establishment of marijuana dispensaries within its borders.
No. Per Chapter 10.70 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, no medical marijuana dispensary may be established within the city.
No. You cannot purchase weed online from Newport Beach dispensaries, as there are no authorized online cannabis retailers in the city.
There are no dispensaries to visit in the City of Newport Beach.
Since the city has banned dispensary operations, there are no provisions in the city code for establishing and operating dispensary businesses.
Adults who are of legal age in the city are permitted to possess or consume cannabis within the legal limitations of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). However, AUMA allows California municipalities to prohibit the establishment of cannabis businesses in their jurisdictions. In line with this provision, the City of Newport Beach has banned the establishment of commercial cannabis businesses within its borders. Still, under the AUMA:
The rules for medical marijuana use in Newport Beach differ from the recreational cannabis laws. Registered patients in the city are allowed to have higher cannabis possession and grow limits and purchase more cannabis daily if their physicians recommend it. Medical cannabis laws in Newport Beach are derived from the California Compassionate Use Act and, more recently, the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA).
Pursuant to the MAUCRSA, only persons with approved medical conditions registered with the state can access medical marijuana. To register with the state, patients must obtain physician's recommendations. Minors (persons under 18) can also purchase medical cannabis if they appoint adult California caregivers approved by the California Department of Public Health.
Typically, patients are allowed to possess up to 8 ounces of concentrated cannabis and grow 12 immature or 6 mature cannabis plants. Cannabis use is recommended for private locations and not public locations. Possessing medical cannabis in schools, streets, and federal properties is illegal. Although no approved retailers exist in Newport Beach, registered patients can purchase medical cannabis from other California jurisdictions.
Persons needing medicinal marijuana cards in the City of Newport Beach can apply through the Orange County Health Care Agency to the Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP). Before submitting an application to the county health office, you must first verify eligibility for a medical marijuana card. Under the provisions of the California Compassionate Use Act, you must meet the following conditions to qualify to get a California medical marijuana card:
Next, you must schedule an appointment with the county health office by calling (714) 480-6717 or visiting:
Health Care Agency
Office of Vital Records
200 W. Santa Ana Boulevard, Suite 100-B
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Note that walk-in submissions are not accepted. At your submission appointment, you will be required to submit:
You will get your medical marijuana card within 35 days of submitting your application. The Orange County Health Care Agency staff will notify you to pick up your card when it is available.
Consuming cannabis in public spaces is prohibited in Newport Beach. Cannabis consumption is restricted to private residences in Newport Beach.
You cannot purchase cannabis in Newport Beach as the city has opted out of allowing cannabis establishments, such as cannabis dispensaries.
You cannot buy cannabis legally in Newport Beach as the city does not permit cannabis sales within its borders.
Since cannabis is not sold legally in Newport Beach, there are no popular strains in the city.
No. Smoking cannabis in public in Newport Beach is illegal. Per state law, cannabis smoking is illegal anywhere tobacco smoking is prohibited.
As per the California Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, it is permissible for individuals who are 21 or older to have 1 ounce of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana without any legal repercussions. On the other hand, for registered patients, the possession limits are higher, as state law allows them to have up to 8 ounces of cannabis or a more substantial amount if authorized by their certifying physicians.
The transportation of cannabis from Newport Beach to any other state, or its importation into the city from other states, is strictly prohibited under federal law. Even though cannabis is legal within the boundaries of Newport Beach, any individual who participates in such activities is subject to federal charges. This is due to the federal classification of cannabis as a prohibited substance and its illegality under federal law.
No. Section 10.70.030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code prohibits cannabis delivery in the city. Therefore, you cannot order cannabis online in the city.
No. There are no licensed marijuana dispensaries in the City of Newport Beach.
In Newport Beach, cannabis dispensaries are prohibited. Hence, tourists cannot use dispensaries in the city.
No cannabis dispensaries exist in the City of Newport Beach.
Newport Beach has banned the establishment of cannabis dispensaries.
No permits are issued to businesses intending to sell cannabis in Newport Beach.
No businesses are allowed to sell cannabis in the City of Newport Beach.
Dispensaries do not operate in Newport Beach.
According to California law, no restriction exists on the number of visits one can make to marijuana dispensaries daily. However, at present, there are no dispensaries available within the borders of Newport Beach.
The City of Newport Beach does not allow cannabis dispensaries to operate within its jurisdiction.
There are no licensed cannabis retailer outlets operating in the City of Newport Beach.
You cannot enter a weed dispensary in Newport Beach, as no licensed cannabis retailers exist there.
Commercial cannabis operations are illegal and unregulated in Newport Beach. If you need more information about cannabis operations in the city, you may contact the Newport Beach City Manager or the California Department of Cannabis Control.
You can report illegal cannabis activities in the City of Newport Beach by contacting the California DCC or the Newport Beach Police Department. You may contact the city police department by calling (949) 644-3717.