Marijuana Dispensaries in Eastvale

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Eastvale?

No. The Eastvale City Council prohibits marijuana establishments within the city boundaries as permitted under state cannabis laws. As outlined in Section 120.04.150 of the Eastvale Code of Ordinances, commercial cannabis facilities, including cannabis dispensaries, are prohibited in all zones in the city. No person or entity may establish or operate a commercial dispensary within the city limits.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Eastvale?

No. There are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Eastvale. Per Section 120.04.150 of the Eastvale Code of Ordinances, commercial cannabis establishments, including medical cannabis retail stores, may not operate in Eastvale.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Eastvale?

Per Section 120.04.150 (c) of the Eastvale Code of Ordinances, the delivery of cannabis to any person within the city limits is prohibited. Hence, you cannot order cannabis online in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Eastvale

Due to Eastvale's prohibition of commercial marijuana businesses within its borders, there are no marijuana stores located within the city.

Eastvale Dispensary Laws

Per the Eastvale Code of Ordinances, the city bans medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries from operating within its borders.

Recreational Laws in Eastvale

Marijuana use for recreational purposes in Eastvale is legal under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). This law provides a regulatory framework for the cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, testing, and sale of cannabis statewide in California.

However, California allows local jurisdictions to have the authority to prohibit or regulate commercial cannabis activity within their boundaries. In accordance with this provision, the Eastvale City Council prohibits the operation of commercial cannabis businesses. However, it does not restrict cannabis use and possession by adults in the city. Under the MAUCRSA:

  • Eastvale adults, aged 21 years or older, are allowed to hold up to 1 ounce of non-concentrated marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana

  • No more than six living marijuana plants, mature or immature, may be cultivated inside a private residence for personal use at any one time by the occupants of the residence. Such cultivation may only occur in a private residence or accessory structure belonging to and under the control of the occupants of such a private residence, fully enclosed and secured against unauthorized entry. Any cannabis produced by the cultivated plants in excess of 28.5 grams must be kept in the fully enclosed and secured private residence or accessory structure

  • Cannabis sharing among legal-age adults in Eastvale is allowed as long as the transfer involves no more than 28.5 grams of non-concentrated cannabis or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis, and no compensation, in any form, is involved

  • Consuming cannabis on federal property and in public areas is illegal

  • Driving under the influence of cannabis is prohibited

Medical Cannabis Laws in Eastvale

The MAUCRSA, which guides medical marijuana operations and activities in Eastvale, allows qualified persons in the city to use and cultivate more cannabis than recreational cannabis users. Under the MAUCRSA, Eastvale residents with eligible medical conditions must get recommendations to use medical cannabis from state-licensed healthcare providers to be able to use medical cannabis legally.

Note that not all medical conditions qualify for medical marijuana use. Also, minors can use medical cannabis if they have qualified conditions and designated adult caregivers to obtain and administer medical cannabis on their behalf. Other than situations where caregivers are emancipated minors or parents of minor patients, caregivers are required to be at least 18 years old. The approved conditions that may be treated with medical cannabis in Eastvale are:

  • Chronic pain

  • Severe nausea

  • Anorexia

  • Seizures

  • Glaucoma

  • Migraine

  • Cachexia

  • AIDS

  • Arthritis

  • Cancer

  • Persistent muscle spasms

  • Any ailment that significantly limits your ability to carry out basic life activities

Eastvale medical marijuana patients are allowed to possess 8 ounces of dried cannabis and grow 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants. Although the medical marijuana card issued under the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP) is not mandatory for patients, card holders are exempted from use and sales taxes on medical cannabis purchases.

While recreational cannabis users are permitted to share cannabis with other adults of legal age, medical marijuana patients or caregivers are prohibited from sharing cannabis with other patients or caregivers. Medical cannabis consumption in public places and on federal property is not permitted.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Eastvale

In Eastvale, medical marijuana patients can obtain ID cards from the Riverside County Department of Public Health (RCDPH), provided they meet certain criteria. Specifically, residents of the city who have received written certifications from California-licensed physicians indicating that medical marijuana is a recommended treatment option for their conditions are eligible to apply for medical marijuana ID cards. Once you have this certification, you can submit your application for an MMJ ID card by mail or in person at a scheduled appointment with the RCDPH. To schedule an appointment, contact the RCDPH at (888) 358-7932 or (951) 358-7932.

Whether you are completing your application by mail or in person, you will be required to submit several supporting documents and pay an application fee. The required supporting documentation includes a completed application form, a valid government-issued photo ID, proof of residency within Eastvale, and written documentation from your attending physician or a completed CDPH 9044 form signed in the past 12 months. You must also pay an application fee of $87, although Medi-Cal beneficiaries may be eligible for a reduced fee of $43.50. You can pay the application fee with a money order or cashier's check made out to the "County of Riverside." If you are paying the discounted fee, you must provide your current Medi-Cal card.

If submitting the application by mail, make your submission to:

4065 County Circle Drive

2nd Floor, Room 207

Riverside, CA 92503

Once your medical marijuana card is ready, an employee of the RCDPH will contact you to arrange for its pickup. Reviewing your application and issuing the card can take up to five weeks.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Eastvale?

Cannabis consumption is legal on private properties in Eastvale. It is illegal to use recreational or medical cannabis in places where you can be seen, such as on the streets, schools, banks, buses, and other public areas.

How to Buy Cannabis at an Eastvale Dispensary

Cannabis retailers are prohibited in the city.

The Average Price of Cannabis in Eastvale

Eastvale has no cannabis dispensaries. Hence, cannabis is not on sale in the city.

Most Popular Strains in Eastvale

With cannabis retailers banned in the city, cannabis strains are not popular there.

Can You Smoke in Public in Eastvale?

No. Cannabis smoking in public places is unlawful in Eastvale.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Eastvale?

Persons who use cannabis recreationally are allowed to have up to 28.5 grams of non-concentrated cannabis and 8 grams of concentrated cannabis. Additionally, they can grow up to six cannabis plants, regardless of the plants' maturity levels. Medical cannabis users can possess up to 8 ounces of concentrated cannabis and are permitted to grow up to six mature or 12 non-flowering cannabis plants.

Can I Ship Cannabis to Eastvale?

If you are transporting cannabis within California, specifically from Eastvale to another location within the state or from another California location to Eastvale, you are not breaking any laws. However, transporting cannabis across state lines is illegal, whether for medical or recreational purposes.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Eastvale?

Per Section 120.04.150 of the Eastvale Code of Ordinances, the delivery of cannabis to any person within the city limits is prohibited, except for deliveries of medicinal cannabis by a primary caregiver to one of the caregiver's qualified patients or an exempt facility.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Eastvale?

No cannabis dispensaries operate in the City of Eastvale.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Eastvale?

There are no marijuana retailers approved to operate in the city.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Eastvale?

Cannabis retail stores are prohibited in the City of Eastvale.

Best Dispensaries in Eastvale

There are no cannabis retailers in Eastvale.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Eastvale?

There are no authorized pot retailers in Eastvale.

How Many Dispensaries are in Eastvale?

There are no pot stores in the city.

Can Dispensaries in Eastvale Take Credit Cards?

No weed dispensaries are permitted in the city.

How Many dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no marijuana storefronts or non-storefront retailers in Eastvale.

Do Dispensaries in Eastvale Take Health Insurance?

Cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.

Do Dispensaries in Eastvale Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no authorized cannabis retailers in the city.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Eastvale at Age 18?

There are no authorized pot stores in Eastvale.

Where Can I Find the Eastvale Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The regulation of cannabis-related operations in Eastvale falls under the purview of the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC). For questions or concerns related to cannabis operations in Eastvale, you can get in touch with the DCC using its contact information.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Eastvale?

To report any illicit cannabis activities in Eastvale, file a complaint with the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) or the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department (RSD). Note that the City of Eastvale contracts the RSD for its law enforcement services. To contact the RSD, call the department’s non-emergency dispatch line at (951) 776-1099.