No. According to Section 16.44.250 of the Murrieta Municipal Code, cannabis dispensaries are prohibited in the city. No permit or business license may be issued to persons or entities seeking to establish marijuana dispensaries in Murrieta.
No. Section 16.44.250 of the Murrieta Municipal Code bans the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city.
No. You cannot buy cannabis online legally in Murrieta as the city prohibits marijuana dispensaries or deliveries.
There are currently no approved marijuana dispensaries in the city. Therefore, you cannot yet legally visit a cannabis dispensary in Murrieta.
Dispensaries are illegal in the city. Therefore, there are currently no operational requirements for dispensaries in Murrieta.
Recreational cannabis laws in the City of Murrieta include the following:
In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 215. This law gave Murrieta residents and other Californians access to cannabis for medical use and stopped physicians from being punished for recommending cannabis. SB 420, the Medical Marijuana Program Act, permits qualified patients to get identification cards and allows patients and their primary caregivers to grow cannabis for medical purposes.
Proposition 215 does not require patients to get medical marijuana ID cards, but a California-issued medical card affords the cardholder more protection against arrest. Safeguards are built into the state ID card program to protect patients' privacies. The police or employers cannot use the medical marijuana patient registry to track down patients.
A valid California medical marijuana ID card also exempts the cardholder from paying sales tax when purchasing medical cannabis from authorized dispensaries. SB420 makes it illegal to smoke marijuana in places where smoking is unlawful, such as within 1000 feet of a school or youth center, on school buses, in a moving car or boat, or while driving.
SB 420 permits approved caregivers to charge for the incurred expenses in growing marijuana for others on a "non-profit" basis. Pursuant to the MAUCRSA, patients and their caregivers may possess and transport 8 ounces of cannabis concentrates and cultivate up to 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants. It is illegal to consume medical marijuana on federal lands or have medical marijuana products in unsealed containers. Note that residents of Murrieta cannot currently purchase medical cannabis from dispensaries in the city as the city authorities have banned the operations of medical marijuana dispensaries.
To be eligible for a medical marijuana card in Murrieta, you must be at least 18, reside in the City of Murrieta, and have obtained certification to have an approved medical condition. Common health conditions for which you may be issued a medical cannabis certification include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, anorexia, migraine, chronic pain, AIDS, and epilepsy.
As required under the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program, applications for medical marijuana cards must be completed at a county office. Therefore, to obtain a medical marijuana card in the City of Murrieta, you must apply to the Riverside County Department of Public Health (RCDPH). An application for a medical marijuana card may be submitted to the RCDPH by mail or at a scheduled appointment with the RCDPH. To schedule an appointment with the RCDPH, call (951) 358-7932 or (888) 358-7932.
At your scheduled appointment, the following will be required:
Submit your application at:
4065 County Circle Drive
2nd Floor, Room 207
Riverside, CA 92503
Phone: (888) 358-7932
It may take 35 days to get your MMIC after submitting your application. For delivery assurance, you will be contacted when your ID card is available for collection. Contact the Riverside County Department of Public Health at for additional information on getting a medical marijuana card.
In Murrieta, cannabis use is legal only in private homes or properties. It is illegal to use cannabis in public places. Consuming cannabis while driving a vehicle or riding as a passenger is illegal.
You cannot buy medical or adult-use cannabis in Murrieta, as the operations of cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.
Murrieta does not permit cannabis sales within its borders.
The sale of cannabis products is prohibited in Murrieta.
No. Smoking cannabis, whether medical or recreational, in public in Murrieta is illegal.
Murrieta adults aged 21 or older are permitted to possess up to a limit of 28.5 grams of marijuana, one ounce of cannabis flowers, and up to 8 grams of dried cannabis.
No. Moving cannabis across state lines is illegal. Note that federal law that guides interstate transportation bans shipping cannabis and other federally restricted substances across state lines. Hence, moving marijuana over state lines into or from Murrieta, even if it is legal in the other jurisdiction, may attract a drug trafficking charge.
No. You cannot order marijuana online, as weed dispensaries are illegal in Murrieta.
No. There are no approved cannabis dispensaries in Murrieta.
Tourists cannot use weed dispensaries in Murrieta as the city bans the operations of cannabis dispensaries.
Currently, it is illegal to purchase weed within Murrieta, as weed dispensaries are illegal in the city.
Murrieta prohibits the operations of cannabis dispensaries within its jurisdiction.
The City of Murrieta has not approved any dispensary to operate in the city.
There are no dispensaries licensed to dispense marijuana in the City of Murrieta.
Dispensaries do not yet operate within the borders of Murrieta.
You cannot yet visit a dispensary in the City of Murrieta, as cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.
There are no authorized weed dispensaries in the City of Murrieta.
With cannabis dispensaries not yet approved in the City of Murrieta, you cannot yet legally purchase marijuana in the city.
Murrieta has no approved cannabis dispensary per the city code.
There is currently no cannabis regulating agency in the City of Murrieta. However, for more information about rules guiding cannabis activities in the city, contact the Murrieta Manager or the California Department of Cannabis Control. You may find the contact information of the Murrieta Manager on the Murrieta Government website.
You may report illegal cannabis activities in Murrieta by contacting the Murrieta police department or filing a complaint to the California DCC (Department of Cannabis Control).