Marijuana Dispensaries in Chino

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Chino?

No. There are no weed retail outlets in the City of Chino. According to Chapter 5.65.030 of the Chino Code of Ordinances, no commercial marijuana activities, including marijuana dispensaries, may be conducted within the borders of the City of Chino.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Chino?

No. Per Chapter 5.65.030 of the Chino Code of Ordinances, all commercial marijuana operations, including medical marijuana dispensaries, are expressly prohibited in all zones in the city. No individual may establish, operate, conduct, or allow medical marijuana dispensaries anywhere within the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Chino?

No. Since there are no establishments approved to sell cannabis in the city, it is not possible to purchase cannabis online in Chino.

Visiting a Dispensary in Chino

There are no dispensaries to visit in Chino. The city does not allow the operations of commercial marijuana businesses.

Chino Dispensary Laws

The City of Chino has not enacted any laws pertaining to the operation of medical or recreational dispensaries within it. Both medical and recreational cannabis retail outlets are prohibited from operating in the city.

Recreational Laws in Chino

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), the law legalizing recreational cannabis statewide in California, does not allow municipalities to prohibit cannabis use and possession in their jurisdictions. While the City of Chino does not permit businesses to sell recreational cannabis, adults aged 21 or older are allowed to possess, cultivate, and use cannabis for personal recreational use. Persons under 21 found in possession of cannabis will face serious consequences. According to the AUMA:

  • Persons of legal age can possess 1 ounce of cannabis or 8 grams of concentrates
  • Adults aged 21 or older can grow up to six cannabis plants indoors for personal use. The cultivation must be entirely within a private residence or an accessory structure to a private residence on the grounds of a private residence fully enclosed and secure. The cultivation may also be invisible from a public right-of-way
  • Driving while impaired from cannabis use is unlawful
  • Using cannabis on federal property and lands, even if you are 21 or older, is illegal
  • Selling cannabis in Chino is not permitted
  • Adults may share cannabis with other adults of legal age provided no more than 1 ounce of cannabis is shared, and no form of compensation is involved
  • It is illegal to ship weed across state lines

Medical Cannabis Laws in Chino

You can use medical cannabis in Chino if you are a resident of California and have any of the conditions approved by the California Department of Public Health. The Compassionate Use Act, also called Proposition 215, approved in 1996, makes cannabis use legal for qualifying patients. While the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) allows municipalities to prohibit commercial medical cannabis operations, no city or jurisdiction in the state may ban residents from possessing or using cannabis for medical reasons if they qualify.

If you are a registered medical marijuana patient in Chino, you are allowed to have up to 226.8 grams of dried marijuana and grow up to six mature cannabis plants or 12 non-flowering plants. They may also obtain optional medical marijuana cards, which serve as proof that they can legally possess cannabis and exempts them from paying sales tax on medical marijuana purchases. It is also possible that a patient may be allowed to access higher amounts of medical cannabis than the typically permitted quantities. However, a patient must obtain authorization from a qualified California-licensed physician to possess higher amounts.

Note that cannabis medical marijuana cards obtained in Chino are valid in other California jurisdictions. Hence, you may use the card to buy medical cannabis from other California locations, as medical cannabis sales are illegal in Chino.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Chino

California law requires patients to apply to the county health offices to obtain medical marijuana cards under its Medical Marijuana Card Identification Program. Hence, to get a medical marijuana card in Chino, you must apply to the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBCDPH). An application packet for a medical marijuana card can be obtained by visiting the county office. Also, submissions are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment with the SBCDPH, call the office at (800) 782-4262. To pick up an application packet, visit:

Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP)

340 N. Mountain View Avenue

San Bernardino, CA 92415-0010

Note that you must reside in Chino, have one of the approved conditions in California, and get a medical cannabis certification for the approved condition before applying for a medical marijuana card.

At your appointment, you will be required to submit the following:

  • A completed application form
  • The original written physician recommendation on official letterhead or written documentation of medical record
  • A government-issued photo ID
  • Proof of residence in Chino
  • An application fee of $100. If you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary, you may be eligible to pay $50 instead of $100. However, you must provide your Medi-Cal card for the discount to apply

The SBCDPH will review your application after submission and issue you a medical marijuana identification card if your application is deemed successful. The entire process may last up to 5 weeks. When your card becomes available, a county office staff will notify you to pick up your card.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Chino?

In Chino, cannabis can only be consumed in private homes. Public consumption is prohibited in streets, parks, or restaurants. It's also illegal to use cannabis while driving or operating a vehicle. If you live in a rented unit, you must get approval from your landlord or property manager before using cannabis there. Using cannabis is against the law in multi-unit apartments.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Chino Dispensary

In Chino, it is not permitted to buy cannabis legally. The sale of cannabis is only allowed at state-licensed dispensaries, and no business in the City of Chino has received state authorization to sell it.

The Average Price in Chino

You cannot legally buy cannabis in Chino.

Most Popular Strains in Chino

As cannabis sales are prohibited in the city, there are no popular strains in Chino.

Can You Smoke in Public in Chino?

No. Smoking cannabis in public in Chino is illegal.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Chino?

In Chino, individuals 21 years of age or older are allowed to have up to 28.5 grams of marijuana flower or up to 8 grams of concentrated cannabis. Medical marijuana patients with valid recommendations may possess up to 8 ounces of concentrated marijuana or more, as determined by their approved healthcare providers.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Chino?

No. If you are caught moving cannabis from Chino to another jurisdiction outside of California, you will be charged with a federal violation. The same happens if you ship cannabis from another jurisdiction into Chino. Although cannabis is legal in Chino, federal law considers cannabis a prohibited substance.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Chino?

No. You cannot order marijuana online in Chino, as marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in Chino.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Chino?

No. There are no approved cannabis dispensaries in Chino.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Chino?

Tourists cannot use weed dispensaries in the city as cannabis operations are banned in Chino.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Chino?

Dispensaries are not allowed to operate in the City of Chino.

Best Dispensaries in Chino

Chino prohibits the operations of cannabis dispensaries.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Chino?

The City of Chino has not issued business permits to any dispensaries.

How Many Dispensaries are in Chino?

No businesses are authorized to dispense marijuana in the City of Chino.

Can Dispensaries in Chino Take Credit Cards?

Dispensaries are not permitted to operate in Chino.

How Many dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

California law does not restrict the number of marijuana dispensaries that may be visited in one day. However, there are currently no weed dispensaries in Chino.

Do Dispensaries in Chino Take Health Insurance?

The City of Chino has not yet approved cannabis dispensary operations.

Do Dispensaries in Chino Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no dispensaries in the city.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Chino at Age 18?

You cannot enter a dispensary in Chino, as there are no dispensaries there.

Where Can I Find the Chino Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Chino does not regulate commercial cannabis activities as they are illegal in the city. For further information on cannabis operations in Chino, you may reach out to the Chino City Manager or the California Department of Cannabis Control.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Chino?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in the City of Chino by contacting the Chino Police Department or the California DCC. To contact the Chino Police Department, call the department at (909) 334-3000.