Marijuana Dispensaries in Fontana

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Fontana?

Yes, but only a medical cannabis dispensary. On July 26, 2022, Fontana adopted Ordinance 1899, which legalized commercial cannabis activities within city limits. According to Section 33.28 of the Fontana Municipal Code, marijuana dispensaries can be established in community commercial (C-1) and general commercial (C-2) zoning districts of the city. Fontana also allows cannabis dispensaries to be situated in downtown gateway, downtown retail, route 66 gateway, Sierra gateway, and valley gateway zoning districts, and the following specific plan areas:

  • Citrus heights north area
  • Empire center area
  • Hunter's ridge area
  • Promenade area
  • Providence point area
  • Rancho Fontana area
  • Sierra Lakes area
  • Northgate area
  • Arboretum area
  • Walnut village area
  • West end area
  • Westgate area
  • Summit heights area

Per Section 33.29 of the Fontana Municipal Code, weed dispensaries cannot be established within 600 feet of schools, daycare centers, parks, recreation centers, and youth centers. Furthermore, storefront marijuana dispensaries cannot be situated within 600 feet of each other. The Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which was approved in November 2016, legalized recreational marijuana in California. County and city governments are allowed to limit commercial marijuana activities within their jurisdictions. In June 2017, California approved Senate Bill 94, the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), which merged the state's regulations pertaining to medical and nonmedical marijuana activities. As stipulated in Section 33.7 of the Fontana Municipal Code, the city will issue a maximum of 3 cannabis dispensary permits. The California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) regulates commercial cannabis activities in the state, in line with Senate Bill 94.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Fontana?

Yes. The California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Proposition 215) legalized medical marijuana in the state, allowing persons diagnosed with specific medical conditions to consume weed products. California went on to approve Senate Bill 420 (the Medical Marijuana Program Act) in 2003. This law required the California State Department of Health Services to establish the state's program for the issuance of ID cards to qualified patients. The California Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA) of 2016 allowed businesses to obtain medical marijuana licenses from the state. Senate Bill 94, also called the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), integrated the Adult Use of Marijuana Act with the MCRSA.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Fontana?

Yes. In line with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Fontana Municipal Code, online weed dispensaries are allowed to operate within city limits and deliver cannabis supplies to local addresses. There are no restrictions on the types of weed products that can be purchased from online cannabis dispensaries in Fontana.

Visiting a Dispensary in Fontana

When visiting marijuana dispensaries in Fontana, medical marijuana patients and recreational cannabis users must present valid government-issued photo identifications. Medical cannabis patients must also bring their medical marijuana identification cards.

Fontana Dispensary Laws

As stated in Chapter 33 of the Fontana Municipal Code, cannabis dispensaries in Fontana can provide weed products to recreational cannabis users, registered medical marijuana patients, and caregivers. Marijuana dispensaries in the city can deliver products to buyers' homes.

Recreational Laws in Fontana

Recreational cannabis is legal for Fontana residents who are at least 21 years old. Eligible persons can legally purchase weed products from dispensaries, carry such products, give weed products to other eligible adults without remuneration, and grow marijuana plants at home. Section 33.41 of the Fontana Municipal Code prohibits the outdoor cultivation of marijuana plants in the city. As stipulated in Section 33.42 of the Fontana Municipal Code, persons growing marijuana plants at home must obtain residential indoor cannabis cultivation (RICC) permits from city authorities. Recreational cannabis users with RICC permits can grow up to six cannabis plants at home for personal use. Their cultivation areas must be hidden from public view and locked to prevent access to minors.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Fontana

Fontana residents must be registered as medical marijuana patients before they can consume weed products for medical purposes. Registered medical marijuana patients who have valid medical marijuana cards and doctor's recommendations for marijuana treatment can grow cannabis plants at home for personal use and purchase weed products from cannabis dispensaries.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Fontana

Fontana's medical marijuana identification card program is administered by the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (DPH). Fontana residents applying for medical marijuana identification cards must provide CDPH 9044 forms (written documentation of patient's medical record form) and CDPH 9042 forms (medical marijuana identification card application/renewal form). They must also present government-issued photo IDs, non-refundable application fees of $100, and proof of residency in Fontana, such as current utility bills or mortgage payment receipts.

Medical marijuana ID card applicants in Fontana must book appointments with the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health by calling (800) 782-4264. Applications must be submitted in person between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays at:

San Bernardino County Department of Public Health

Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP)

340 North Mountain View Avenue

San Bernardino, CA 92415-0010

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Fontana?

In line with Senate Bill 94, Fontana residents can legally consume weed products in private spaces.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Fontana Dispensary?

Persons buying cannabis products from weed dispensaries in Fontana must present valid government-issued IDs to prove they are up to 18 years old (for medical cannabis patients) or 21 years old (for recreational cannabis users). Fontana residents buying cannabis products for medical use must also show their medical marijuana ID cards at the point of sale.

The Average Price in Fontana

The average price of weed in Fontana is $113 per ounce and $15 per gram.

Most Popular Strains in Fontana

The popular strains of cannabis plants sold in Fontana include Cereal Milk, Mount Zereal Kush, White Runtz, Slow Lane, Buddha's Hand, Berry Jane, Legend OG, Insane, White Walker OG, Kryptochronic, and Pacific Stone.

Can You Smoke in Public in Fontana?

No. The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) prohibits weed smoking in public spaces in Fontana, such as restaurants. Furthermore, Article III, Chapter 13 of the Fontana Municipal Code prohibits smoking in places of employment, grocery stores, museums, libraries, and hospitals. However, according to Section 13.69 of the Fontana Municipal Code, hotels and bars can allow customers to smoke cannabis on their premises.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Fontana?

Recreational marijuana users in Fontana can carry up to 28.5 grams of cannabis products, 8 grams of weed concentrates, and six marijuana plants. The provisions of the medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) also allow adults 21 years and older to possess up to six cannabis plants. On the other hand, registered medical marijuana patients and primary caregivers in Fontana can possess up to 8 ounces of cannabis products, 12 immature, and six mature marijuana plants at once.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Fontana?

No. It is illegal to ship cannabis products within Fontana or to other cities for recreational or medical purposes due to the federal ban on cannabis. However, Chapter 33 of the Fontana Municipal Code allows cannabis dispensary employees to deliver weed products to buyers' doorsteps.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Fontana?

Yes. Recreational cannabis users and medical cannabis patients in Fontana can order weed supplies from online dispensaries for delivery to their homes or in-store pickup.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Fontana?

The provisions of Chapter 33 of the Fontana Municipal Code do not limit the number of hours weed dispensaries can operate in the city. Therefore, 24-hour dispensaries may be allowed to operate in Fontana when the city begins issuing cannabis dispensary permits.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Fontana?

Tourists who are up to 21 years old can legally use cannabis dispensaries in Fontana. Senate Bill 94 does not prohibit tourists who are eligible for recreational cannabis use from using dispensaries when visiting cities in California.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Fontana?

Yes. Marijuana dispensaries in Fontana cannot sell weed products to customers without seeing and verifying their IDs. In addition to their government-issued IDs, registered medical marijuana patients and caregivers must carry medical cannabis program identification cards in order to purchase cannabis supplies at weed dispensaries in Fontana.

Best Dispensaries in Fontana

The only dispensary currently operating in the City of Fontana is Embarc.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Fontana?

Due to the requirements of Section 33.30 of the Fontana Municipal Code, Fontana dispensaries may scan customers' IDs in order to verify their ages.

How Many Dispensaries are in Fontana?

There is currently only one cannabis dispensary in Fontana. Per Section 33.7 of the Fontana Municipal Code, the city can issue a maximum of three cannabis dispensary permits. The North, South, and Central areas of Fontana are each entitled to one weed dispensary.

Can Dispensaries in Fontana Take Credit Cards?

Fontana dispensaries may collect credit card payments when they begin operations.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

Residents can visit any number of dispensaries daily, provided they do not purchase over the allowable amounts of weed products.

Do Dispensaries in Fontana Take Health Insurance?

No. Health insurance does not cover medical cannabis treatment for Fontana patients. This is because cannabis is banned federally due to its classification as a Schedule I controlled substance under the United States Controlled Substances Act.

Do Dispensaries in Fontana Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Yes. In line with the provisions of Section 33.25 of the Fontana Municipal Code, weed dispensaries in the city must maintain sales transaction records and customers' details for submission to the Fontana authorities upon request.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Fontana at Age 18?

Yes. As stipulated in Section 33.30 of the Fontana Municipal Code, medical marijuana patients can enter weed dispensaries at 18 years old. Also, Senate Bill 94 allows 18-year-olds to enter cannabis dispensaries if they serve as the primary caregivers of registered medical marijuana patients in the state.

Where Can I Find Fontana Cannabis Regulator's Contact Information?

The California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) regulates commercial cannabis activities in the state. Fontana residents can reach the DCC by calling 1 (844) 612-2322.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Fontana?

To report unlawful marijuana activities in Fontana, residents can file complaints with the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).