Marijuana Dispensaries in El Cajon

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in El Cajon?

No. Under Chapter 17.243.020 of the El Cajon Municipal Code, marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the City of El Cajon. The city does not issue permits or licenses to businesses selling cannabis within its borders.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in El Cajon?

No. Pursuant to Chapter 17.243.020 of the El Cajon Municipal Code, it is illegal for any business to sell medical cannabis in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in El Cajon?

No. You cannot purchase marijuana online legally in El Cajon, as authorities prohibit cannabis sales in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in El Cajon

There are currently no approved weed dispensaries in the City of El Cajon. Hence, you cannot legally visit a dispensary there.

El Cajon Dispensary Laws

Cannabis dispensaries are illegal in El Cajon. There are no laws relating to weed dispensaries in the city.

Recreational Laws in El Cajon

While California cannabis law allows cities and counties to enact ordinances prohibiting the operations of cannabis businesses within their jurisdictions, it does not allow them to restrict cannabis possession and use within the approved limits under state law. Therefore, El Cajon residents can possess and use cannabis subject to the following limitations:

  • The possession of up to 1 ounce of cannabis or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis is permitted for persons above the age of 21
  • El Cajon adults above 21 may grow a total of six marijuana plants at home for personal use
  • Outdoor cultivation of marijuana plants is illegal in El Cajon
  • Shipping cannabis across state lines is not allowed
  • Driving while under the influence of cannabis is considered a serious offense and attracts harsh penalties
  • It is illegal to use cannabis in public areas or spaces
  • Marijuana consumption or possession on federal properties or lands is illegal as marijuana is illegal federally

Medical Cannabis Laws in El Cajon

Under the California Compassionate Use Act (CUA), which cleared the path for medicinal marijuana use in California, qualifying individuals in El Cajon and other California jurisdictions can obtain and use medical marijuana legally without fear of arrest. In El Cajon, patients with certain qualifying medical conditions, identified by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), who have been issued medical cannabis certifications, may access medicinal marijuana legally. The state cannabis law also created a medical marijuana identification card program through which El Cajon patients may get identity cards exempting them from paying sales tax on medical cannabis purchases. El Cajon patients may obtain medical marijuana cards for themselves and their caregivers. Caregivers are typically designated by minor patients and patients who cannot administer medical marijuana themselves.

Medical marijuana users in El Cajon may possess up to 8 ounces of cannabis. However, using medicinal marijuana products in public or on federal property is prohibited. Although no medical weed dispensaries operate in El Cajon, patients are permitted to purchase medical cannabis from California locations where dispensaries are legal. The purchased medical cannabis products must remain in their original packaging during transport and be kept in the trunk of the vehicle. Patients with a medical marijuana card may grow a total of 12 immature cannabis plants or 6 mature cannabis plants.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in El Cajon?

Per state law, to obtain a medical marijuana identification card in the City of El Cajon, you must apply to the county health department – San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (SDCHHSA). The SDCHHSA does not accept application submissions by mail or walk-in basis. Applicants must schedule appointments with the agency ahead of submitting their applications. To schedule an appointment with the SDCHHSA, call the agency at (619) 692-5723.

To be eligible for a California medical marijuana identification card in El Cajon, you must be 18 or older, reside in the City of El Cajon, and have one or more qualifying medical conditions. Approved medical conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • AIDS
  • Cachexia
  • Glaucoma
  • Anorexia
  • Migraine
  • Seizures
  • Chronic Pain
  • Severe nausea
  • Persistent muscle spasm
  • Any condition that may significantly limit your ability to conduct basic life activities or that may inflict serious harm on your physical and mental health

The following will be required when submitting your application:

  • A completed medical marijuana ID application form
  • A government-issued photo ID, such as a California-issued driver's license or identification card. Alternatively, you may present a Veteran's Administration Card or a United States Passport
  • Proof of residency in El Cajon. The proof must be in your name and bear a current physical address in the city
  • Written documentation or CDPH 9044 form from your attending physician recommending medical marijuana use as appropriate. This document must have an original signature and may be on your physician's business letterhead or the CDPH 9044 form. The medical condition suffered by the patient must not be listed on the documentation
  • Your attending physician's name, contact address, and California medical license number
  • An application fee of $22 for Medi-Cal beneficiaries or $44 for regular applicants. You may make payment using a cashier's check, money order, or cash
  • Current Medi-Cal card if you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary or Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC)

Submit your completed application at your appointment with the county office at:

Public Health Services

3851 Rosecrans Street, Suite 802

San Diego, CA 92110

Phone: (619) 692-5723

You may take a prepaid FedEx envelope to your appointment if you do not want to return to the SDCHHSA to pick up your medical marijuana card after approval. It may take five weeks for your card to be ready.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in El Cajon?

In El Cajon, cannabis use is legal in private homes. If you do not own the property you reside in, contact your landlord before consuming cannabis on such a property.

How to Buy Cannabis at an El Cajon dispensary

You cannot buy cannabis legally in El Cajon, as there are no approved marijuana dispensaries in the city.

The Average Price in El Cajon

El Cajon does not permit cannabis sales in its jurisdiction.

Most Popular Strains in El Cajon

The sale of cannabis products is prohibited in El Cajon.

Can You Smoke in Public in El Cajon?

No. Smoking cannabis in public in El Cajon is illegal.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in El Cajon?

El Cajon adults 21 or older can possess up to one ounce of cannabis, 8 grams of concentrated cannabis, and grow up to six marijuana plants. Medical marijuana patients may possess a maximum of 8 ounces of cannabis concentrate and cultivate 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants.

Can I Ship Cannabis in El Cajon?

No. Shipping cannabis across state lines in El Cajon is illegal. Federal law guides interstate transportation and considers cannabis illegal under the United States Controlled Substances Act.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in El Cajon?

No. You cannot order marijuana online, as marijuana dispensaries are illegal in El Cajon.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in El Cajon?

No. There are currently no approved cannabis dispensaries in El Cajon.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in El Cajon?

Tourists cannot use cannabis dispensaries in El Cajon as the city prohibits the operations of cannabis dispensaries.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in El Cajon?

Currently, it is illegal to buy cannabis in El Cajon, as weed dispensaries are unlawful.

Best Dispensaries in El Cajon

El Cajon bans the operations of cannabis dispensaries within its jurisdiction.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in El Cajon?

El Cajon has not approved any dispensary to operate in the city.

How Many Dispensaries are in El Cajon?

No dispensaries are authorized to sell weed in the City of El Cajon.

Can Dispensaries in El Cajon Take Credit Cards?

Dispensaries are not yet allowed to operate within the borders of El Cajon.

How Many dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot yet visit a dispensary in El Cajon, as cannabis dispensaries are banned in the city.

Do Dispensaries in El Cajon Take Health Insurance?

There are no authorized weed dispensaries in the City of El Cajon.

Do Dispensaries in El Cajon Track How Much Weed You Buy?

With no authorized marijuana dispensaries in the City of El Cajon, you cannot legally buy marijuana there.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in El Cajon at Age 18?

You cannot enter a dispensary yet in El Cajon, as there are no approved cannabis dispensaries in the city.

Where Can I Find the El Cajon Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The California Department of Cannabis Control regulates cannabis operations in El Cajon. You may also reach out to the El Cajon Manager for more information on cannabis rules in the city.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in El Cajon?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in El Cajon by contacting the El Cajon Code Enforcement Department, the El Cajon Police Department, or the California Department of Cannabis Control.