Marijuana Dispensaries in Oceanside

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Oceanside?

No. Per Section 7.117 of the Oceanside Code, marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the city. Although Oceanside does not issue licenses for marijuana storefront retailers, it permits cannabis delivery establishments or Type 9 non-storefront retailers to operate in the city. Hence, the delivery of cannabis and cannabis products is legal in Oceanside.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Oceanside?

No. Under the Oceanside Code, medical marijuana dispensaries are illegal in the city. Only non-storefront medical marijuana establishments may operate in the city. Such establishments may deliver medical marijuana and medical marijuana products in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Oceanside?

Yes. Section 7.117 of the Oceanside Code permits the operations of medical cannabis delivery in the city. Per Subsection C of Section 7.117, no more than two licenses may be issued to cannabis delivery establishments in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Oceanside

You cannot yet visit a marijuana dispensary in Oceanside as the City Council has not approved the establishment of cannabis retail storefronts in the city.

Oceanside Dispensary Laws

Oceanside does not issue permits or licenses to marijuana storefront dispensaries to operate in the city. However, the city issues permits for cannabis non-storefront businesses. Still, they do not consider a cannabis non-storefront retail outlet (delivery) as a marijuana dispensary, according to Section 7.116 (a) of the Oceanside Code.

Recreational Laws in Oceanside

Oceanside recreational cannabis laws are adapted from the California MAUCRSA (Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act). While municipalities may not ban cannabis use and possession, the law permits the prohibition of specific cannabis operations by municipalities in their jurisdictions. For instance, in Oceanside, while marijuana manufacturing, distribution, testing, and non-storefront retail outlets are permitted businesses, the city bans the operation of storefront retail outlets within its borders.

Oceanside's recreational weed laws include:

  • Only adults over the age of 21 may cultivate and possess cannabis and cannabis products
  • Residents may grow up to six cannabis plants indoors. The cannabis cultivation area must not be visible from public areas except by the use of an optical aid and must be inaccessible to minors
  • Oceanside adults 21 or older may possess up to one ounce (28.5 grams) of cannabis flower and eight grams of cannabis concentrates
  • Driving while under the influence of cannabis is prohibited
  • Smoking is illegal in public and in any location within 1,000 feet of a place where minors are present
  • Transporting cannabis over state lines or waterways into Oceanside is unlawful
  • Prior to initiating operations as a cannabis establishment in Oceanside, the legal representative or the persons or entity wishing to operate the cannabis facility must obtain a local license or conditional use permit from the city
  • A cannabis establishment may only operate in the city upon obtaining a state license, a local license, and a conditional use permit under the Oceanside Zoning Ordinance
  • Cannabis consumption is prohibited on the premises of all cannabis establishments in the city
  • Cannabis establishments in the city must use third-party software to track all sales, transfers, purchases, receipts, and deliveries of cannabis and cannabis products

Medical Cannabis Laws in Oceanside

Oceanside medical cannabis laws ban the operations of storefront medical marijuana dispensaries but permit the delivery of medical marijuana to residents through its municipal code. Still, the city cannabis laws do not restrict the limits set under the California MAUCRSA per marijuana possession and use. Under the MAUCRSA, eligible medical marijuana patients in Oceanside may grow up to six mature marijuana plants and 12 immature marijuana plants indoors. Outdoor marijuana cultivation, even for medical marijuana purposes, is illegal in the city. Qualified medical marijuana patients may also possess up to 8 ounces of cannabis. Note that medical marijuana is only available to residents aged 18 or older.

Under the MAUCRSA, Oceanside residents under 18 or who are incapacitated are permitted to designate primary caregivers to help administer medical marijuana. Per law, a primary caregiver must be aged 18 or older and consistently assume responsibility for the safety, health, and housing of a medical marijuana patient to qualify as a caregiver. Patients can obtain an optional medical marijuana card which exempts them from paying sales tax when purchasing medical cannabis. A primary caregiver is ineligible to submit an application for a medical marijuana card. The patient must complete the medical marijuana card application for the designated caregiver.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Oceanside

County authorities issue medical marijuana (MMJ) cards under the Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP) of the State of California. To qualify for an MMJ card in Oceanside, you must:

  • Be aged 18
  • Have and be certified to suffer from an approved medical condition, such as persistent muscle spasms, anorexia, cancer, cachexia, AIDS, glaucoma, seizures, chronic pain, or arthritis. Any other condition restricting vital life activities listed under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may also qualify
  • Reside in Oceanside
  • Upon fulfilling the eligibility conditions for an MMJ card, the following will be required before submitting your application:
  • Complete an MMIC application form
  • Provide proof of identity. The proof may be a valid California DMV-issued driver's license or ID card, or another acceptable government-issued photo card
  • Provide proof of Oceanside residency, such as a valid California DMV motor vehicle registration, utility bill, or recent mortgage or rental agreement bearing your name and your current address in Oceanside
  • Provide written documentation from your physician or a completed CDPH 9044 Form recommending the use of medical cannabis as appropriate for a serious medical condition
  • Provide your physician's name, contact information, and California medical license number
  • Provide a $44 application fee or a $22 fee if you are a beneficiary of Medi-Cal. Note that the Medi-Cal card will be required, and the application fee (standard or discounted) is non-refundable
  • Proof of emancipation (Only applicable to emancipated minors). Non-emancipated minors must be present with their legal guardians or parents at the application submission

Note that applications can only be completed at a scheduled appointment at the San Diego County Public Health Services office. Except on holidays, the county health services office is open Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The address of the office is:

3851 Rosecrans Street

Suite 802

San Diego, CA 92110

Phone: (619) 692-5723

Once an application has been approved, processing the card may take up to 35 days. You may include a prepaid FedEx envelope in your submission if you do not want to return to the county health services office to pick up your card. The office will send your medical marijuana card to the address listed on your application if you include the envelope in your submission.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Oceanside?

Consuming cannabis in private dwellings in the City of Oceanside is legal. However, consuming weed in public areas, such as on the streets, workplaces, and in public or multi-housing units, is an offense. Local and state laws stipulate harsher penalties if cannabis consumption occurs within 1,000 feet of a youth center, daycare, or school.

Consuming marijuana in a motor vehicle is also illegal in the city. You cannot consume marijuana while riding as a passenger in a vehicle or riding a bicycle. Even possessing an open cannabis container in a vehicle is not permitted.

How to Buy Cannabis at an Oceanside Dispensary

You cannot yet purchase cannabis at a retail storefront in Oceanside. Cannabis may only be purchased by placing orders online through non-storefront retail outlets.

The Average Price in Oceanside

The average price for one gram of weed in Oceanside is $20. An eighth costs about $55, a quarter costs about $100, while an ounce costs about $340.

Most Popular Strains in Oceanside

Although you cannot yet purchase cannabis from storefront dispensaries in Oceanside, some of the most commonly ordered cannabis strains from non-storefront dispensaries in the city include:

  • Zkittlez Mints
  • Green Crack
  • Jack Cake
  • Ivory
  • OG Kush

Can You Smoke in Public in Oceanside?

No. In Oceanside, it is illegal to smoke cannabis in public areas. Smoking cannabis in public is punishable by a fine of up to $100 or $250 if done in a place where tobacco smoking is forbidden or within 1,000 feet of a childcare facility, school, or youth center.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Oceanside?

Adults over 21 years or older can possess up to one ounce (28.5 grams) of cannabis and eight grams of cannabis concentrate. Adults can grow no more than six cannabis plants in secured, restricted areas. Residents found possessing in excess of the permitted quantity will be arrested for violating the law.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Oceanside?

Shipping cannabis across state lines is a federal offense punishable by harsh fines and lengthy jail terms. Hence, it is prohibited to ship cannabis from another state into the City of Oceanside. However, you can transport cannabis from one California city to the City of Oceanside, provided the substance or product is kept in a sealed container in a vehicle's trunk during transportation.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Oceanside?

Yes. You can order weed online from several weed dispensaries in the City of Oceanside. Some of these dispensaries may offer free delivery on orders exceeding specific amounts.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Oceanside?

No. The City of Oceanside does not allow marijuana dispensaries (storefront retail outlets) to operate in the city. Per Section 7-126 of the city code, non-storefront cannabis retail outlets may make cannabis deliveries between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Oceanside?

Tourists in Oceanside cannot find approved marijuana dispensaries in the city. However, if they are of legal age (21), they can order cannabis online from non-storefront retail outlets in the city. It is illegal for tourists to purchase medical marijuana from non-storefronts retail selling medical marijuana, except such persons are registered under the California medical marijuana program.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Oceanside?

You cannot visit an approved medical marijuana dispensary in Oceanside. However, if you order weed online from authorized non-storefront cannabis retailers, you will be required to provide an ID showing you are over 21 before you can have your purchases delivered.

Best Dispensaries in Oceanside

There are no approved marijuana storefront dispensaries in Oceanside.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Oceanside?

Cannabis dispensaries are not permitted in Oceanside currently. Non-storefront retail outlets authorized to deliver cannabis will ask for your ID before making a delivery. Per law, non-storefront cannabis outlets must request IDs from customers to ensure they are over 21 and the same persons who placed the orders.

How Many Dispensaries are in Oceanside?

There are no authorized marijuana dispensaries in Oceanside. However, per Section 7.117 (B) of the Oceanside municipal code, no more than two licenses may be issued by the city permitting the establishment of non-storefront cannabis retail outlets.

Can Dispensaries in Oceanside Take Credit Cards?

No. While cannabis storefront dispensaries do not operate in Oceanside, non-storefront delivery businesses operate and do not accept credit cards. Non-storefront retail outlets typically accept cash or debit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot visit an approved dispensary yet in Oceanside as the city bans the operations of storefront marijuana retail outlets.

Do Dispensaries in Oceanside Take Health Insurance?

Only non-storefront retail outlets sell and deliver cannabis in Oceanside. These retail outlets do not accept health insurance.

Do Dispensaries in Oceanside Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no marijuana dispensaries authorized to sell weed in Oceanside. However, non-storefront dispensaries are permitted to deliver marijuana and track how much weed customers purchase.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Oceanside at Age 18?

No. You cannot yet enter a weed dispensary in Oceanside, as there are no approved marijuana storefront dispensaries in the city.

Where Can I Find Oceanside Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

For more information on cannabis regulations in Oceanside, contact the cannabis department at (760) 435-3544 or or call the city manager at (760) 435-3065. Contact information for the city manager and the cannabis department is available on the Oceanside website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Oceanside?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in Oceanside to the Oceanside Police Department by calling (760) 435-4900.