Marijuana Dispensaries in Stockton

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Stockton?

Yes. Stockton permits the establishment of cannabis dispensaries in the following zoning districts:

  • Commercial office (CO) zones

  • Commercial general (CG) zones

  • Commercial downtown (CD) zones

  • Commercial large-scale (CL) zones

  • Mix use (MX) zones

  • Industrial limited (IL) zones

  • Industrial general (IG) zones

According to Section 16.80.195(A)(6)(a) of the Stockton Municipal Code, cannabis dispensaries cannot be situated within 300 feet of residential zones of the city. Furthermore, Section 16.80.195(A)(6)(b) of the Stockton Municipal Code prohibits cannabis dispensaries from being set up within 600 feet of parks, schools, daycare centers, religious facilities, drug treatment centers, or youth centers. In November 2016, cannabis was legalized for recreational use in California following the passage of Proposition 64 (the Adult Use of Marijuana Act). The state administers its marijuana industry through the California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) but allows local authorities to regulate cannabis dispensary activities within their jurisdictions. On November 8, 2018, Stockton voters approved Measure P and Measure Q. This led to the adoption of Stockton's regulatory program for commercial cannabis business operations, including cannabis dispensary operations, on March 5, 2019. There are 11 weed dispensaries in Stockton. Five of them are non-storefront establishments that provide delivery-only services.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Stockton?

Yes. On September 18, 2018, Stockton permitted medical marijuana dispensaries to sell cannabis products for recreational use. Stockton has 11 cannabis dispensaries that provide marijuana products to medical and recreational users. In 1996, California legalized medical marijuana through the approval of the California Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215). The state proceeded to pass the Medical Marijuana Program Act (Senate Bill 420), which required the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to establish and maintain a program for the issuance of medical marijuana identification cards to patients with qualifying medical conditions. The California Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA) of 2016 provided for the licensure of cannabis dispensaries and other types of marijuana businesses in the state. In June 2017, California integrated the provisions of the MCRSA and Proposition 64 in Senate Bill 94, also called the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA).

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Stockton?

The provisions of Chapter 5.100 of the Stockton Municipal Code do not prohibit cannabis dispensaries from selling weed online. Therefore, recreational cannabis users and registered medical marijuana patients in Stockton can obtain marijuana supplies from online weed dispensaries. There are no limitations to the types of weed products that can be purchased online. Also, online marijuana dispensaries in Stockton can deliver weed to buyers' homes.

Visiting a Dispensary in Stockton

As required in Senate Bill 94, registered medical marijuana patients in Stockton must provide valid IDs and medical marijuana identification cards when visiting weed dispensaries. Eligible recreational cannabis users (adults 21 years or older) do not need special identification cards when visiting weed dispensaries, but they must present valid photo IDs.

Stockton Dispensary Laws

Stockton's cannabis dispensary laws are contained in Chapter 5.100 of the Stockton Municipal Code. The city issues two types of marijuana dispensary permits - non-storefront delivery operator permits and retailer operator permits. As stipulated in Section 5.100.030 of the Stockton Municipal Code, retailer operator permit holders can sell weed to medical and recreational cannabis users on their premises and deliver marijuana products to buyers' residences. On the other hand, the premises of non-storefront permit holders cannot be open to the public; licensees can only make cannabis product deliveries to buyers.

Recreational Laws in Stockton

In line with the provisions of Senate Bill 94, only adults 21 years and older can consume marijuana products recreationally. Stockton residents who are eligible for recreational cannabis use may cultivate up to six marijuana plants at home and purchase up to 28.5 grams of weed from dispensaries. In line with Section 16.80.195 of the Stockton Municipal Code, recreational marijuana users in Stockton can only grow weed indoors for personal use. Their cultivation areas must not be visible from public spaces, such as sidewalks. The provisions of Section 5.100.290 of the Stockton Municipal Code prohibit Stockton cannabis dispensaries from allowing persons under 21 years to enter the parts of their establishments designated for recreational cannabis sale.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Stockton

The medical use of marijuana is only allowed for persons diagnosed with severe medical conditions outlined in the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). Stockton residents must obtain medical marijuana identification cards in order to purchase cannabis supplies for medical use. Qualified medical cannabis patients who are up to 18 years old and registered primary caregivers can cultivate marijuana plants at home for personal use. As stipulated in Section 16.80.195 of the Stockton Municipal Code, weed cultivation by medical marijuana patients must be conducted indoors.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Stockton

California's medical marijuana identification card program is administered by county health departments. To enroll in the San Joaquin County Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMIC program), a Stockton resident must provide:

Medical marijuana identification card applicants in Stockton must book appointments with the Vital Registration Office of the San Joaquin County Public Health Services by calling (209) 468-3404 on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. On the scheduled appointment dates, applicants must bring all required documents and application fees to:

San Joaquin County Public Health Services

Vital Registration Office

1601 East Hazelton Avenue

Stockton, CA 95205

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Stockton?

Stockton residents can legally consume cannabis products in private spaces. In line with the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), it is illegal to consume weed in public areas such as restaurants.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Stockton Dispensary

When buying weed at dispensaries in Stockton, residents must provide valid government-issued photo identifications at the points of sale. Primary caregivers and medical marijuana patients registered with San Joaquin County's medical marijuana identification card (MMIC) program must present their MMIC cards in order to purchase cannabis products.

The Average Price in Stockton

The average price of weed in Stockton is $120 per ounce and $12.5 per gram.

Most Popular Strains in Stockton

Some of the popular strains of cannabis sold at Stockton dispensaries are Sundae Driver, Blue Diamond, Blue Dream, Blue Cookies, Cake Mix, Tiger Milk, and Diesel.

Can You Smoke in Public in Stockton?

According to Section 8.48.040(A) of the Stockton Municipal Code, it is illegal to smoke weed within 20 feet of the main entrances or windows of buildings open to the public, such as grocery stores, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, museums, and theaters. However, per Section 8.48.040(B) of the Stockton Municipal Code, weed smoking can be permitted in outdoor seating areas of bars. The owners of such facilities must post signs indicating whether they allow cannabis smoking on their premises.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Stockton?

Stockton residents 21 years and older can legally possess up to 28.5 grams of weed, 8 grams of cannabis concentrates, and six marijuana plants at once. Also, registered medical cannabis patients in Stockton can carry up to eight ounces of cannabis products.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Stockton?

No. Stockton residents cannot ship cannabis products through third-party carriers or the US Postal Services. However, employees of weed dispensaries in Stockton can deliver cannabis products to buyers' homes.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Stockton?

Yes. Registered medical marijuana patients, primary caregivers, and eligible recreational marijuana users in Stockton can order cannabis products from online weed dispensaries in the city for in-store pickup or delivery.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Stockton?

The provisions of Section 5.100.280 of the Stockton Municipal Code limit the hours of operation for cannabis dispensaries in Stockton to between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Therefore, there are no 24-hour dispensaries in Stockton.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Stockton?

As stipulated in Senate Bill 94, cannabis use is legal for adults who are at least 21 years old. Therefore, eligible tourists can visit cannabis dispensaries in Stockton to purchase weed supplies, provided they show valid IDs.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Stockton?

Yes. According to Section 5.100.290 of the Stockton Municipal Code, marijuana dispensaries in Stockton cannot sell marijuana products to medical marijuana patients under 18 years or recreational cannabis users under 21 years. Buyers must present valid IDs to prove their age before purchasing marijuana products at dispensaries in Stockton.

Best Dispensaries in Stockton

The best cannabis dispensaries in Stockton are those that have valid cannabis business permits, as required in the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). Stockton residents can check the list of legal cannabis businesses published on the city's official website.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Stockton?

Yes. According to Section 100.230 of the Stockton Municipal Code, cannabis dispensaries in Stockton must maintain the personal details and copies of IDs of all patients, caregivers, and recreational marijuana users to whom they dispense cannabis products. The records must be submitted to the Stockton Police Department every quarter.

How Many Dispensaries are in Stockton?

Stockton has 11 licensed cannabis dispensaries. Six of them are open to the public for in-store purchases, while the others operate on a delivery-only basis.

Can Dispensaries in Stockton Take Credit Cards?

Yes. Recreational marijuana users and registered medical marijuana patients can pay for weed supplies using credit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There is no restriction on the number of cannabis dispensaries Stockton residents can visit. As stipulated in Senate Bill 94, the daily purchasing limit for recreational cannabis users is 8 grams of weed concentrates and 28.5 grams of other marijuana products. Cannabis users in Stockton can visit multiple dispensaries in one day, provided they do not exceed the allowable limit.

Do Dispensaries in Stockton Take Health Insurance?

No. Marijuana dispensaries in Stockton do not take health insurance because it does not cover medical marijuana treatment.

Do Dispensaries in Stockton Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Yes. The provisions of Section 100.230 of the Stockton Municipal Code mandate cannabis dispensaries in Stockton to maintain records of the amounts of cannabis products purchased from them and buyers' names.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Stockton at Age 18?

Yes. In line with Section 5.100.290 of the Stockton Municipal Code, registered medical marijuana patients and caregivers in Stockton can enter cannabis dispensaries to purchase weed supplies.

Where Can I Find Stockton Cannabis Regulator's Contact Information?

For inquiries about Stockton's cannabis regulatory program, residents may contact the Stockton Planning and Engineering Division by sending emails to

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Stockton?

To report unlawful cannabis activities in Stockton, residents may file complaints with the Stockton Police Department by calling (209) 937-8813.