Marijuana Dispensaries in Gilroy

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Gilroy?

No. There are no cannabis retailers in the City of Gilroy. Per Chapter 30.45.30 of the Gilroy City Code, the city council prohibits marijuana dispensaries from operating within its borders. The city's decision to opt out of allowing cannabis dispensaries is considered necessary for the preservation and protection of the public health, safety, and welfare of the city and its community.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Gilroy?

No. The city prohibits businesses or persons from selling medical cannabis within its limits. In accordance with Chapter 30.45.30 of the Gilroy City Code, medical marijuana dispensaries may not be located in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Gilroy?

There are no dispensaries in Gilroy selling cannabis. However, you can order cannabis online from nearby California-licensed dispensaries for delivery in Gilroy.

Visiting a Dispensary in Gilroy

There are no dispensaries in Gilroy.

Gilroy Dispensary Laws

Gilroy bans the operations of cannabis dispensaries. Hence, there are no retail stores to visit in the city.

Recreational Laws in Gilroy

In accordance with the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), the following are recreational cannabis laws in the city:

  • In Gilroy, you must be at least 21 years old to buy, possess, or use recreational marijuana. When buying from a recognized dispensary, proof of your legal age will be required

  • Possession of up to 1 ounce of cannabis flower or 8 grams of cannabis concentrates for personal use is allowed for those over 21. You may be arrested and prosecuted for possessing more than the specified quantity

  • Cannabis may be grown for personal use by adults of legal age in a private dwelling. No more than 6 cannabis plants may be cultivated

  • Driving while under the influence of cannabis is prohibited

  • Only authorized retail stores can sell cannabis per state law. However, the City of Gilroy has prohibited cannabis dispensaries from operating within its borders. Hence, city residents may only purchase cannabis from other California municipalities

  • It is not permitted to use cannabis in public

Medical Cannabis Laws in Gilroy

Under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), residents of Gilroy with medical conditions approved to be treated with cannabis are permitted to use medical marijuana subject to certain conditions. Qualifying conditions that may be treated with medical cannabis in Gilroy include:

  • Anorexia

  • Severe nausea

  • Persistent muscle spasms, including muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis

  • AIDS

  • Migraine

  • Chronic pain

  • Cachexia

  • Seizures, including seizures with epilepsy

  • Glaucoma

  • Cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Any other medical symptom limiting your ability to conduct a basic life activity listed in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Other medical cannabis laws in Gilroy, according to the MAUCRSA, include:

  • Patients under the age of 18 may use medical cannabis with parental or guardian consent. Under state law, minors (patients under 18) must designate caregivers to administer medical cannabis for them. Caregivers must be residents of California, be at least aged 18, and consistently assume responsibility for the health and housing of the patient. A caregiver may also be an individual, or the operator, owner, or employee of a California-licensed clinic, hospice, facility, or home health agency

  • Gilroy medical cannabis patients are required to obtain a medical cannabis recommendation to be able to purchase medical cannabis. Note that any medical cannabis or medical cannabis products purchased from unlicensed retailers are illegal. Although there are no licensed retailers in Gilroy, residents can purchase medical cannabis from other California cities with their medical cannabis recommendations

  • Patients can opt to obtain a medical marijuana card under the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP). The card is voluntary and is not required at licensed medical cannabis retailers in Gilroy or other California locations. However, a California MMIC holder can avoid paying use and sales taxes when buying medical cannabis. The card can also be used as legal proof to possess cannabis when quizzed by law enforcement officers in Gilroy. Note that a primary caregiver cannot apply for an MMIC. The patient represented must apply for the designated caregiver. Also, a caregiver registration or card is valid for the same duration as the patient's MMIC

  • Possessing up to 8 ounces of dried cannabis is permitted for Gilroy medical cannabis patients with unexpired medical cannabis recommendations. Patients may also purchase and possess cannabis in larger proportions if their certifying physicians approve it

  • Consuming medical cannabis in any form in public is prohibited. This includes parks, sidewalks, and other outdoor locations

  • It is legal for Gilroy patients to cultivate 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants at home, indoors

  • It is illegal to drive or operate a motor vehicle when under the influence of medical cannabis

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Gilroy?

The Santa Clara County Department of Public Health (SCCDPH) issues California medical marijuana identification cards to qualified Gilroy residents. Hence, if you live in Gilroy and have obtained a medical cannabis recommendation for a condition approved by the state to be treated with cannabis, you may apply to the SCCDPH.

The SCCDPH accepts MMIC applications by mail or email. Regardless of the method of application, you will be required to provide the following:

  • Completed MMICP application form

  • Recommendation letter signed and dated by attending physician within the last 12 months

  • Copy of your government-issued photo ID

  • Copy of recent proof of residency in Gilroy

  • Payment by check or money order, made payable to “MMICP” OR payment by credit card is payable by phone upon pre-approval of documents. If you are an email applicant, the SCCDPH accepts payment by credit card upon pre-approval of documents

In addition to the items listed above, you must provide three photos of yourself with a solid white background with no facial features obscured. If no photo is provided or the photo is unacceptable, an in-person appointment may be required.

Once all items are received and pre-approved by the SCCDPH, a county office staff will process payment and contact you with an expected timeframe for card delivery or pickup. If you are completing the processing fee payment with a credit card, a staff member of the SCCDPH will contact you for payment by phone. Note that the fee is $10 or $5 if you are a senior citizen aged 55 or older or a Medi-Cal recipient. If you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary, a copy of your Medi-Cal card must be submitted by email or mail.

To submit your application by email, make your submission to If you are submitting by US Mail, send the required items to:

Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Vital Records and Registration/MMICP

976 Lenzen Avenue, Ste 1300

San Jose, CA 95126

For more information on getting an MMIC in Gilroy, contact the MMICP of the Santa Clara County Public Health Department at (408) 792-5040.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Gilroy?

Cannabis is recommended for private use by qualified persons. You are liable to be penalized under state laws if you are caught using cannabis in public places, such as sidewalks, beaches, schools, and places where people may be invited.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Gilroy Dispensary

There are no dispensaries in Gilroy.

The Average Price in Gilroy

Since Gilroy prohibits the operations of weed dispensaries, there are no set prices for cannabis products in the city.

Most Popular Strains in Gilroy

Cannabis dispensaries are illegal in Gilroy. However, residents in the city commonly purchase Gelato and Bubba Kush from nearby California cities where dispensaries are allowed to operate.

Can You Smoke in Public in Gilroy?

Smoking in public is illegal in Gilroy.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Gilroy?

Adults over the age of 21 can have up to 28.5 grams of cannabis flower or 8 grams of concentrated cannabis, as per California state law. They can also grow up to 6 cannabis plants at home. Medical marijuana patients and caregivers can have 8 ounces of dried cannabis flower and grow up to 6 flowering or 12 non-flowering cannabis plants.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Gilroy?

Bringing cannabis into Gilroy from another state is illegal, even if it is for medical purposes and the other state allows it. However, it is legal to transport cannabis within California as long as it is within possession limits and securely transported.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Gilroy?

You can order cannabis from other cities in California for delivery in Gilroy. However, since the city bans the operations of retailers, you cannot order from a Gilroy dispensary.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Gilroy?

There are no dispensaries in Gilroy.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Gilroy?

There are no retail storefronts for tourists or locals in the city.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Gilroy?

Gilroy bans cannabis dispensaries within its borders.

Best Dispensaries in Gilroy

Dispensaries are not allowed to operate in Gilroy.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Gilroy?

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Gilroy.

How Many Dispensaries are in Gilroy?

Marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the city.

Can Dispensaries in Gilroy Take Credit Cards?

Gilroy does not issue licenses for the establishment of cannabis dispensaries.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no dispensaries to visit in Gilroy.

Do Dispensaries in Gilroy Take Health Insurance?

Gilroy does not allow dispensaries to operate within its limits.

Do Dispensaries in Gilroy Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Gilroy bans cannabis dispensaries from operating within its limits.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Gilroy at Age 18?

There are no dispensaries in the city.

Where Can I Find Gilroy Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Gilroy residents may contact the California Department of Cannabis Control. The DCC regulates cannabis operations and may be contacted by calling (844) 612-2322.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Gilroy?

Gilroy residents can report illegal cannabis activities by filing complaints with the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) or contacting the Gilroy City Police Department. To contact the Gilroy City PD, call the department's non-emergency line at (408) 846-0350.