Yes. San Jose does not restrict the establishment of medical and non-medical weed dispensaries within its jurisdictions. Several adult-use marijuana dispensaries operate within the borders of the city pursuant to Proposition 64, which legalized adult-use marijuana in San Jose and the rest of California. The city lists cannabis dispensaries operating within its borders on the official website of the San Jose Police Department.
Yes. Medical cannabis dispensaries were established in San Jose following the legalization of medical weed in California through the Compassionate Use Act passed by California voters in 1996. Medical weed dispensaries sell to patients and caregivers registered under the California Medical Marijuana Program who have obtained medical cannabis recommendations.
Yes, you can purchase from online weed dispensaries in San Jose, as the municipality does not restrict the operations of online weed dispensaries in the city. These dispensaries can offer deliveries to residents within the timelines stipulated in the San Jose dispensary laws.
You can find locations of weed dispensaries in San Jose online. You may put the search term “dispensaries near me” in an online search engine to find the addresses of cannabis dispensaries in the city. Regardless of whether you are sure about the cannabis strain to buy, you will find facility personnel ready to provide information about the uses and effects of the cannabis products available at the dispensary. You should take along cash and valid government-issued ID to show you are of legal age when visiting a cannabis dispensary. If you are visiting a medical marijuana dispensary, your physician's recommendation may be required.
Chapter 6.88 of the city municipal code establishes San Jose's rules and operational requirements for cannabis establishments, including weed dispensaries. These laws include:
Adult-use cannabis was legalized in San Jose and California in 2016 through the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). AUMA legalized the possession, cultivation, sale, and consumption of recreational cannabis for adults aged 21 or older. Although California legalized adult-use cannabis in 2016, the first recreational weed dispensary did not open in San Jose until 2018. Recreational weed consumers in San Jose can purchase and possess:
According to Chapter 20.80 of the city zoning ordinance, cannabis establishments in San Jose must be located within:
In San Jose, residents aged 21 or older may cultivate up to 6 cannabis plants or 12 plants per household, provided the cultivation areas are not in public view. Per Chapter 6.88.430.E of the San Jose Municipal Code, outdoor cannabis cultivation is prohibited in San Jose. Note that you can gift up one ounce of homegrown cannabis to adults of legal age in the city as long as you do not receive any compensation.
Cannabis consumption is not permitted within or outside of a dispensary or in a vehicle. Riding a bicycle or driving a vehicle under the influence of cannabis is an offense as is cannabis use by passengers in a vehicle. If you are of legal age, you may carry cannabis in your vehicle; however, it must be in a sealed container or the vehicle's trunk.
Medical marijuana was legalized in the whole of California in 1996 when California voters passed Proposition 215. Proposition 215 permitted patients and designated caregivers to cultivate and possess marijuana for medical purposes. California medical marijuana laws established a medical marijuana program that allowed seriously ill residents to access medical marijuana. Also, the program permitted patients and caregivers to obtain medical marijuana cards, allowing them to purchase medical cannabis without having to pay sales and use tax.
Under the California medical marijuana laws, medical marijuana patients may possess up to 6 mature plants, 12 immature plants, 8 ounces of cannabis flower, and 226.8 grams of cannabis concentrates or dried cannabis.
Medical marijuana establishments in San Jose are also required to abide by the requirements in Chapter 6.88 of the city municipal code and Chapter 20.80 of the city zoning ordinance.
In San Jose, residents aged 18 or older with medical conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana are eligible to get medical marijuana (MMJ) cards. Some medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana include AIDS, anorexia, epilepsy, chronic pain, cancer, migraine, glaucoma, arthritis, cachexia, muscle spasms, nausea, and seizures.
To complete an MMJ card application, you must apply to the Santa Clara Department of Public Health. Follow these steps to apply to the Santa Clara County Public Health Department:
Scan and send the following items to
Send the items listed above by U.S. Mail to:
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Vital Records and Registration/MMICP
976 Lenzen Avenue, Ste 1300
San Jose, CA 95126
For more information on obtaining an MMJ card in San Jose, contact the Santa Clara County Public Health Department at (408) 792-5040.
Consumption of cannabis is restricted to the private properties of the consumers. If you live in a rented unit, ensure you obtain permission from the landlord or property owner before consuming cannabis in the apartment.
You may purchase cannabis at a San Jose dispensary by visiting an authorized dispensary facility with cash and a valid photo ID proving you are of legal age (21). To obtain medicinal cannabis, you must be enrolled with the California Medical Marijuana Program, be at least 18 years old, and visit a medical cannabis dispensary with your medical marijuana card and your attending physician's recommendation.
The cost of cannabis varies depending on the product you purchase, where you purchase the product, and how much you purchase. Below are average costs for cannabis products in San Jose:
The top cannabis strains in San Jose are:
Pursuant to Proposition 64, consuming cannabis in public places is illegal. Consumption of cannabis is defined to include smoking, vaping, or eating marijuana edibles.
The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) permits San Jose residents to purchase and possess up to 28 grams of recreational cannabis and 8 grams of cannabis-infused products daily. Additionally, residents are allowed to grow up to six plants per household. In San Jose, registered medical marijuana patients may purchase and possess up to 8 ounces of cannabis daily. Patients with medicinal marijuana cards are permitted to cultivate up to 12 immature plants and 6 mature plants at home.
You can only ship cannabis to San Jose if you are moving from another California location into the city. However, if you intend to ship cannabis across state lines into San Jose, you risk being charged by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) with drug trafficking. Drug trafficking crimes are severe and attract heavy penalties.
Yes, you can order cannabis online in San Jose. While not all weed dispensaries may offer cannabis sales online, many marijuana dispensaries in the city permit cannabis enthusiasts to place orders online.
According to Chapter 6.88.440.A of the San Jose Municipal Code, cannabis storefronts operating in the city can only operate between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Yes. Tourists in San Jose can use recreational marijuana dispensaries as long as they are of legal age (21). They must provide valid ID as proof of legal age, such as an out-of-state driver's license, a government-issued ID card, or the United States Passport
Yes. You must show a valid government-issued identification showing your date of birth to use an adult-use marijuana dispensary in San Jose.
The best weed dispensaries in San Jose are:
IDs are only required for confirmation of identity and proof of age. However, some San Jose weed dispensaries scan IDs and enter purchasers' personal information into the dispensary's computer.
There are over 10 licensed cannabis dispensaries in San Jose.
Federal laws restrict weed dispensaries from using cards to process payments for cannabis purchases. Hence, most dispensaries in San Jose typically accept cash as a means of payment. Many of the weed dispensaries in San Jose have automated teller machines (ATMs) which buyers may use to withdraw cash. Note that some dispensaries accept credit cards for cannabis deliveries.
There are no limits on the number of dispensaries you can visit in one day. However, you cannot purchase more than the stipulated possession limits in San Jose and California, since cannabis retailers track the quantity of cannabis purchased by each buyer.
Although recreational and medical cannabis are legal in San Jose, you will be required to pay for it out of your pocket as health insurance works under federal regulations which consider cannabis illegal.
Yes. Cannabis retailers are required to track how much cannabis buyers purchase.
You cannot enter a recreational weed dispensary in San Jose unless you are aged 21 or older. However, you can enter a medical cannabis dispensary if you are 18 or older.
The San Jose Division of Cannabis Regulation is the city agency responsible for monitoring the operations of registered medical and recreational weed businesses in San Jose. The Division administers a regulatory program consisting of continuous site inspections of registered weed businesses, conducting background investigations on all employees, and analyzing criminal activities in the locations around cannabis establishments. The Division's contact information can be found on the San Jose Police Department website.
If you notice any illegal activity involving cannabis in San Jose, contact the Division of Cannabis Regulation at (408) 537-1420 or email You can also file a complaint regarding a violation of personal cannabis consumption laws by contacting the San Jose Police Department at 311 or (408) 277-8900.