Marijuana Dispensaries in Yuba City

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Yuba City?

No, there are no California-licensed cannabis dispensaries in Yuba City, even though California has legalized marijuana for recreational and medical purposes. The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) allows local municipalities to adopt ordinances to prohibit marijuana businesses within their jurisdictions. Yuba City rode on this provision and adopted Section 8-5.5203 of the Yuba City Code of Ordinances to prohibit the establishment or operation of commercial business activities, including marijuana dispensaries, within its limits.

In 2016, California legalized recreational cannabis for adults 21 years and over after voters approved Proposition 64, laying the framework for them to access marijuana legally by establishing adult-use cannabis dispensaries. While no weed dispensaries operate in Yuba City, people in the city can visit dispensaries in neighboring cities/towns for their recreational marijuana needs.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Yuba City?

No. Section 8-5.5203 of the Yuba City Code of Ordinances bans the operations and establishment of medical cannabis dispensaries within the city's boundaries. Nonetheless, medical cannabis is legal for persons suffering from certain severe illnesses in Yuba City and other parts of California as approved by the Compassionate Use Act. Under California laws, patients who qualify for medical cannabis therapy in Yuba City are permitted to visit licensed medical marijuana dispensaries near the city to fill their medical cannabis prescriptions. However, they must either be enrolled in the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program or have licensed physicians' recommendations.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Yuba City?

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Yuba City, but marijuana consumers living in or visiting the city can buy cannabis online from out-of-city licensed dispensaries. However, per Section 8-5.5203 (a)(6) of the Yuba City Code of Ordinances, marijuana delivery initiated outside or within the city is prohibited. Hence, marijuana buyers will have to pick up their purchases from the dispensaries' physical locations, wherever they may be in California. It is recommended that residents buy from online cannabis dispensaries near Yuba City to avoid high transportation costs.

Visiting a Dispensary in Yuba City

Yuba City residents can visit cannabis dispensaries near them if they need to buy cannabis since there are no marijuana dispensaries in the city. Eligible adults must visit licensed cannabis dispensaries with their government-issued IDs to show they are at least 21 years old. Similarly, qualifying patients are expected to bring their California-issued medical marijuana cards or recommendations from licensed physicians authorizing them for medical cannabis therapy. While visiting the dispensary, they should have sufficient cash to cover their purchases or hold debit cards to draw cash at dispensaries with on-site ATMs. Licensed marijuana dispensaries encourage customers to ask for help during their visits.

Yuba City Dispensary Laws

Yuba City prohibits operating or establishing marijuana dispensaries within its borders. Per Section 8-5.5205 of the Yuba City Code of Ordinances, violation of this law is a public nuisance punishable by civil penalties. However, California-licensed cannabis dispensaries may only sell cannabis to adults, 21 years and older, and patients with qualifying medical conditions. Also, it is unlawful for dispensaries to permit the consumption of marijuana on their premises.

Recreational Laws in Yuba City

The recreational use of marijuana is permitted in Yuba City, but consumers must comply with the following adult-use cannabis laws:

  • Giving away marijuana to anyone younger than 21 in Yuba City is unlawful
  • Adults 21 years and older may legally possess and use recreational cannabis. They may also grow up to six marijuana plants at home for personal use, but cultivation must occur in a secure, locked space to prevent unauthorized entry
  • It is unlawful for anyone to drive while under the influence of marijuana
  • Smoking marijuana in places where tobacco smoking is banned in Yuba City is illegal. Similarly, it is unlawful to possess or consume cannabis on federal properties within the city
  • Adults 21 years and over may gift other eligible adults up to 8 grams of concentrated cannabis and up to 28.5grams of usable cannabis

Medical Cannabis Laws in Yuba City

Qualifying cannabis patients with eligible medical conditions can possess and consume medical marijuana, provided they have valid California medical marijuana cards or have obtained licensed physicians' recommendations for medical marijuana treatment. While patients may grow marijuana plants at home for medical uses, the amount of plants they can cultivate is subject to their needs as recommended by their physicians. The consumption of medical cannabis within 1,000 feet of any daycare center, school, or youth center is prohibited.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Yuba City

Qualifying patients in California must enroll in the state's Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP) to get a medical marijuana card. Participation in the program is voluntary, and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) encourages qualifying patients to enroll at their county health departments. However, eligible patients in Yuba City may have to register for the MMICP outside their county, as Sutter County remains the only county in California that does not issue medical cannabis cards.

Generally, qualified patients must complete the Medical Marijuana ID Card Application Form, make an appointment with the county health department, and gather the necessary documents, including the following for submission:

For inquiries on how to get a California medical marijuana identification card in Yuba City, contact the Sutter County Public Health Department at:

Health and Human Services

1445 Veterans Memorial Circle

Yuba City, CA 95993

Phone: (530) 822-7215

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Yuba City?

Consuming marijuana indoors in a private residence is legal in Yuba City unless the landlord prohibits cannabis consumption on a rental property. Consumption of marijuana in public is illegal in California.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Yuba City Dispensary

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Yuba City. Qualified cannabis patients in the city must hold their medical marijuana cards when visiting dispensaries in other California cities to purchase medical cannabis. Similarly, people who seek to buy recreational marijuana must go to dispensaries with valid government-issued IDs.

The Average Price in Yuba City

There are no licensed dispensaries in Yuba City. However, residents can expect to buy an ounce of high-grade cannabis for $255 at cannabis dispensaries in neighboring towns or cities.

Most Popular Strains in Yuba City

The most popular marijuana strains consumed by marijuana users in Yuba City include Purple Lush, Wedding Cake, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, and Jack Herer.

Can You Smoke in Public in Yuba City?

No. California marijuana laws prohibit smoking cannabis in public in Yuba City. Also, it is illegal to smoke marijuana wherever it is unlawful to smoke tobacco.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Yuba City?

In Yuba City, qualified cannabis patients may possess no more than 8 ounces of marijuana per time. Adults 21 years and older may have up to 8 grams of concentrated cannabis or 28.5 grams of usable marijuana at once.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Yuba City?

No. It is illegal to ship marijuana into any part of California, including Yuba City, from other states. Yuba City Code of Ordinances expressly prohibits the delivery of marijuana in the city.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Yuba City?

Yes, ordering cannabis online is permitted in Yuba City. However, consumers must pick up their orders at the physical locations of those licensed marijuana dispensaries, as Yuba City bans marijuana delivery within the city.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Yuba City?

No. Yuba City prohibits the operation of marijuana dispensaries.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Yuba City?

No. Yuba City has no licensed cannabis dispensaries.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Yuba City?

Although there are no weed dispensaries in Yuba City, marijuana consumers are expected to present their IDs when visiting dispensaries near Yuba City.

Best Dispensaries in Yuba City

Operating or establishing marijuana dispensaries is banned in Yuba City.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Yuba City?

No cannabis dispensary operates in Yuba City but licensed dispensaries in California scan customers' IDs at the point of cannabis sales.

How Many Dispensaries are in Yuba City?

Currently, the Yuba City Code of Ordinances prohibits the establishment of cannabis dispensaries within its borders.

Can Dispensaries in Yuba City Take Credit Cards?

There are no pot dispensaries in Yuba City. Nonetheless, no licensed cannabis dispensary in California accepts payment via credit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Yuba City?

There are no licensed marijuana dispensaries in Yuba City, but no California law restricts residents from visiting multiple dispensaries in other cities in one day.

Do Dispensaries in Yuba City Take Health Insurance?

No. The federal prohibition of marijuana makes it illegal for cannabis dispensaries in California to accept payment via health insurance. Besides, there are no marijuana dispensaries in Yuba City.

Do Dispensaries in Yuba City Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Yuba City, but licensed dispensaries in other California cities are mandated to track marijuana sales using the California Cannabis Track and Trace (CCTT) system.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Yuba City at Age 18?

Although cannabis patients in Yuba City can enter any licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in California at 18, none operate in the city.

Where Can I Find Yuba City Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Cannabis activities within the boundaries of Yuba City are regulated by the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC). Depending on the request, interested persons can contact the department via any contact information listed on its Contact-Us page.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Yuba City?

Yuba City residents can report incidents of illegal cannabis activities to the DCC by calling 1 (844) 612‑2322 or contacting the Investigations Unit of the Yuba City Police Department at (530) 822-4675.