Yes, Tulare has both recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries. Following the approval of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), also called Proposition 64, in 2016, adult-use cannabis became legal for adults 21 years and older in California, Tulare's home state. This passage of this Act necessitated the establishment of recreational cannabis in the state to enable eligible adults to have legal access to adult-use cannabis without the fear of arrest by law enforcement.
Pursuant to Chapter 5.96 of the Tulare Code of Ordinances, the city permits the retail sales of marijuana. However, persons or entities operating cannabis dispensaries within the city borders must be duly licensed and approved under California and Tulare law. Licensed marijuana dispensaries in Tulare may only operate in storefronts, in areas zoned C-3 or C-4. In compliance with California cannabis laws, their locations must be at least 600 feet away from any other marijuana storefront or school.
There are medical marijuana dispensaries in Tulare. While the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) authorizes municipalities to prohibit establishing marijuana businesses within their jurisdictions, Section 10.168.090 of the Tulare Code of Ordinances allows medical cannabis dispensaries operations. In 1996, California enacted the Compassionate Use Act, legalizing medical cannabis for patients suffering from certain debilitating medical conditions. Also known as Proposition 215, the Compassionate Act established medical marijuana dispensaries in California so qualified patients could have unrestricted access to medicinal access to medicinal cannabis.
Yes, most California-licensed cannabis dispensaries, in and outside Tulare, sell cannabis online, and Tulare residents can purchase marijuana online from such dispensaries. Section 5.96.040 of the Tulare Code of Ordinances allows cannabis dispensaries with regulatory permits to deliver cannabis purchased online to their customers within the city. However, if someone intends to buy cannabis online from out-of-city marijuana dispensaries, asking whether they have a City of Tulare business license is essential. Without this license, California-licensed cannabis dispensaries outside Tulare cannot deliver marijuana products anywhere within the city borders.
Adults who qualify for recreational marijuana must come to Tulare cannabis dispensaries with valid government-issued identification cards and sufficient cash to buy marijuana products. On the other hand, registered cannabis patients should hold their California medical marijuana cards while visiting medical dispensaries in Tulare. A qualified patient not enrolled in the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program may obtain a licensed physician's recommendation and present it at the dispensary. Medical cannabis patients must also have some cash for cannabis purchases when visiting marijuana dispensaries in Tulare.
In Tulare, the retail sales of cannabis may only occur in a physical store. Per Section 5.96.030 of the Tulare Code of Ordinances, No licensed cannabis dispensary must be located within 600 feet of any existing school, residence, or proposed school site. It is illegal for any marijuana dispensary in Tulare to employ any individual younger than 21.
Licensed cannabis dispensaries in Tulare must not permit the consumption of marijuana on their premises. Also, they are prohibited from selling or storing alcoholic beverages. The premises of any licensed cannabis dispensary in Tulare must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Recreational cannabis is legal in Tulare for adults 21 years and older. Adult-use cannabis consumers in the city must adhere to the following laws:
Medical cannabis is legal for patients with certain debilitating medical conditions in Tulare. California cannabis laws permit such patients to grow marijuana plants at home for personal use. It is illegal to consume medical cannabis in public in Tulare. Medical cannabis patients in Tulare may only obtain medicinal cannabis from California-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in or outside the city.
The Department of Public Health in Tulare County issues California medical marijuana cards to eligible and interested patients in the entire county, including those in the City of Tulare. Application for a medical marijuana card at the county health department is by appointment only. Eligible patients in the City of Tulare must call the county health department at (559) 685-5710 to book an appointment. They must visit the Tulare County Department of Health, taking the following documents with them on the date of the appointment:
Applicants should prepare to pay at most $100 as application fees (or at most $50 for MediCal participants) when visiting the Tulare County Department of Health with all required documents at:
Department of Public Health
1150 South K Street
Tulare, CA 93274
The consumption of marijuana, either for medical or recreational purposes, in Tulare must always be within a private residence.
Anyone intending to buy recreational marijuana in a Tulare cannabis dispensary must be at least 21 years old and have a valid government-issued ID. No dispensary will sell cannabis products to them without providing their ID as proof that they are 21 years or older. Similarly, a qualifying patient must present either a California medical marijuana card or a physician's recommendation to buy marijuana at a licensed dispensary in Tulare.
An ounce of high-quality marijuana sells for an average of $273 at Tulare cannabis dispensaries.
Some of the most popular marijuana strains in Tulare are OG Kush, Girl Scout Cookies, and Sour Diesel.
No, Section 7.48.030 of the Tulare Code of Ordinances prohibits the public consumption of marijuana, including consumption by smoking.
Persons who use marijuana for recreational purposes in Tulare may possess up to 8 grams of concentrated cannabis and 28.5 grams of usable marijuana at any given time. Cannabis patients can only carry a maximum of 8 ounces of medicinal cannabis at once.
No, shipping cannabis across state lines into Tulare or any other parts of California is prohibited by federal laws.
Yes, Tulare residents who are eligible for cannabis consumption can order cannabis online from online weed dispensaries in or outside the city. However, only dispensaries with Tulare regulatory permits for cannabis delivery can deliver online orders to customers' doorsteps in the city.
No, there are no 24-hours dispensaries in Tulare. Per Section 5.96.030(I) of the Tulare Code of Ordinances, cannabis dispensaries may only operate between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily.
Adults, aged 21 years or older, visiting from other states can use recreational marijuana dispensaries in Tulare but must have valid government-issued IDs. Visitors staying in the city for an extended time must enroll in the California medical marijuana program in order to buy medical cannabis in Tulare marijuana dispensaries.
Yes. California marijuana laws mandate presenting valid government-issued identification cards at licensed recreational marijuana dispensaries in Tulare. Qualifying cannabis patients must have physician recommendations or California medical marijuana cards.
One of the best marijuana dispensaries in Tulare is Token Farms.
Yes. Cannabis dispensaries in Tulare must scan customers' IDs before dispensing cannabis.
Currently, Tulare has three California-licensed cannabis dispensaries.
No California-licensed marijuana dispensaries, including those in Tulare, accept credit card payments.
Marijuana consumers in Tulare are not restricted to one cannabis dispensary. They can visit multiple dispensaries in a day.
No, cannabis dispensaries in Tulare do not accept health insurance for marijuana product sales, not even for medical cannabis sales.
Yes, in compliance with California marijuana rules, Cannabis dispensaries in Tulare track how much weed their customers purchase using the California Cannabis Track and Trace.
A cannabis patient with a California medical cannabis card or a licensed physician's recommendation for medical marijuana can enter a Tulare cannabis dispensary at 18. However, recreational cannabis consumers must be at least 21 years old to be able to enter cannabis dispensaries in the city.
The contact information for the Tulare cannabis regulator is maintained on the website of the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).
The DCC can be contacted at 1 (844) 612‑2322 to report illegal cannabis activity within Tulare borders. Alternatively, residents can contact the Investigative Division of the Tulare Department of Police at (559) 684-4290 to file such reports.