How To Replace a Medical Marijuana Card in California

Replacement For California Medical Marijuana Card Online

Can I Replace My California Medical Marijuana Card?

Yes. Under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, California patients registered with the state can obtain replacement medical marijuana cards. Patients typically need replacement cards if their current MMJ cards are damaged, worn, lost, or stolen.

Do I Need to Report a Lost or Stolen California Medical Marijuana Card?

The California medical marijuana program is administered at municipal levels by county health departments. Counties determine whether patients who have lost their medical marijuana cards need to report such losses. Typically, in most county programs, patients are required to report MMJ card losses.

How to Get a Replacement Medical Marijuana Card in California

County health departments establish the process for replacing medical marijuana cards for patients registered with their programs. Usually, patients with lost, stolen, or damaged cards must submit a new application similar to their initial MMJ card application. For specific information on getting a replacement medical marijuana card, contact your county health program.

Cost of a California Medical Marijuana Replacement Card

Section 11362.755 of the California Health and Safety Code requires county health programs to establish medical marijuana card replacement fees for patients registered with them. While the cost varies from county to county, the California Department of Public Health stipulates that the fee must not exceed $100. In San Bernardino, Marin, Los Angeles, and San Mateo Counties, it costs $100 to replace a medical marijuana card. In San Diego County, it costs $44. Note that patients who are Medi-Cal beneficiaries and those who are eligible to participate in the County Medical Services Program (CMSP) are eligible for 50% reductions in the replacement fees.

How Long to Get a Replacement California Medical Marijuana Card?

It may take up to 35 days to obtain a replacement medical marijuana card in California. Contact your county health program for specific information on the timeline.

Replacement For Medical Marijuana Card

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