Marijuana Dispensaries in Camarillo

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Camarillo?

No. None of California's licensed marijuana dispensaries is located in Camarillo due to the city's prohibition on commercial marijuana establishments, including weed dispensaries. Per Section 19.55.030 of the Camarillo Code of Ordinances, no marijuana business activities, including cannabis dispensaries, may occur in all zones within the city limits. However, marijuana is legal for both medical and recreational purposes in California.

The approval of Proposition 64 (the Adult Use of Marijuana Act) legalized adult-use cannabis for adults aged 21 and older in California in 2016 and made provisions for recreational dispensaries. However, in line with the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), Camarillo adopted an ordinance prohibiting establishing or operating any commercial marijuana facility, including recreational marijuana dispensaries, within the city borders.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Camarillo?

No, Camarillo has no medical cannabis dispensaries despite the legal status of medical cannabis in California. The city prohibits all marijuana businesses, including medical marijuana dispensaries, from operating within its borders. California legalized medical cannabis in 1996 for residents suffering from certain debilitating health conditions after the Compassionate Use Act was enacted.

Following the passage of the Compassionate Use Act, qualified patients gained legal access to medical marijuana through the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program. The creation of the state's medical marijuana program necessitated the establishment of medical cannabis dispensaries across the state. However, the MAUCRSA permits local authorities to prohibit marijuana businesses within their jurisdictions. Camarillo is one of California's cities that banned cannabis business operations within their boundaries.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Camarillo?

Yes, marijuana consumers can buy cannabis online from licensed weed dispensaries near Camarillo. However, Section 19.55.030(B) of the Camarillo Code of Ordinances prohibits the delivery of marijuana to any person within the city, except for medical cannabis deliveries by caregivers to patients under their care. Hence, recreational marijuana users must pick up their orders at the dispensaries. Similarly, cannabis patients who do not have caregivers cannot have cannabis purchased online delivered to their local addresses in Camarillo and must visit the dispensaries in person to pick up their purchased products.

Visiting a Dispensary in Camarillo

None of the California-licensed cannabis dispensaries operate in Camarillo. However, city residents can visit weed dispensaries in nearby cities to buy marijuana products. Medical cannabis patients are expected to carry their medical marijuana cards. Any qualifying patient without a card can come to the dispensary with a California-licensed physician's recommendation. However, California medical marijuana cardholders are exempt from paying taxes on cannabis purchases. Adults aged 21 and older in Camarillo must hold valid government-issued IDs when visiting marijuana dispensaries near Camarillo for adult-use cannabis. Whether buying cannabis for medical or recreational uses near Camarillo, consumers must have sufficient cash for cannabis product purchases.

Camarillo Dispensary Laws

Camarillo Code of Ordinances prohibits the establishment of weed dispensaries within the city limits as permitted by the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act. Per Section 19.55.050 of the Camarillo Code of Ordinances, anyone who violates the provisions of the ordinance prohibiting marijuana businesses commits an offense and may be penalized accordingly.

Recreational Laws in Camarillo

Adults, aged 21 years and over, can legally possess and consume recreational marijuana in Camarillo. However, it is illegal to consume cannabis in public or on federal properties within the city's borders. California marijuana laws also prohibit driving while under the influence of marijuana in Camarillo.

Per Section 19.55.040 of the Camarillo Code of Ordinances, cultivation of marijuana within the city is prohibited. However, adults aged 21 and older may cultivate up to six marijuana plants in their private residences for personal use. Cultivation must be in a secure and fully enclosed structure in the private residence to prevent unauthorized entry. Individuals occupying rented homes must seek the property owners' consent before they start growing cannabis plants at home.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Camarillo

Medical cannabis consumption is legal for patients with eligible medical conditions in Camarillo. It is unlawful for cannabis patients to smoke or consume medical cannabis in public or while operating a motor vehicle. Also, it is illegal for them to consume cannabis within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center. While California marijuana laws permit cannabis patients to cultivate up to six marijuana plants at home for personal use, they may grow more if their medical conditions require additional plants, but with their physicians' approval.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Camarillo

To get a California medical marijuana card in Camarillo, an eligible person must first obtain a licensed physician's recommendation. The recommendation must stipulate that the individual would benefit from the use of cannabis in the treatment of a health condition. After this, the patient can schedule an appointment with the Ventura County Health Care Agency at (805) 981-5323. The following documents/information are required to apply for a California medical marijuana card in Camarillo:

Applicants must bring all required documents and fees on the day of the appointment to the county Medical Marijuana Identification Program at:

Ventura County Emergency Medical Services

2220 East Gonzales Rd., #200

Oxnard, CA 93036

Typically, the county health care agency will issue an applicant's medical marijuana card within 35 days of applying.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Camarillo?

In Camarillo, a marijuana consumer's private residence is a legal place to consume marijuana. California marijuana laws prohibit the public consumption of cannabis everywhere in the state, including Camarillo.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Camarillo Dispensary

Camarillo Code of Ordinances prohibits the sale of marijuana within the city's borders. Notwithstanding, residents can still buy cannabis from licensed dispensaries near Camarillo. Medical cannabis dispensaries must go to such dispensaries with their medical marijuana cards or their physician's recommendations. On the other hand, adults 21 years and older seeking to buy recreational cannabis must have valid government-issued IDs.

The Average Price in Camarillo

The sale of cannabis is banned in Camarillo. Residents should expect to buy an ounce of high-grade cannabis at about $276 at dispensaries near Camarillo, while the average price per gram is $19.

Most Popular Strains in Camarillo

Popularly used cannabis strains in Camarillo include Jack Herer, Gelato, Bukka Kush, and Skywalker OG.

Can You Smoke in Public in Camarillo?

No, smoking marijuana in public in Camarillo is a violation of California marijuana laws.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Camarillo?

Recreational weed consumers may possess no more than 8 grams of marijuana concentrate and 28.5 grams of usable cannabis in Camarillo. The marijuana possession limit for medical cannabis patients in the city is a maximum of 8 ounces of cannabis at once.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Camarillo?

No. Do not ship marijuana across state lines into Camarillo to avoid committing a federal offense. There is an ongoing ban on marijuana at the federal level.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Camarillo?

California laws permit Camarillo residents to order cannabis online from licensed weed dispensaries offering cannabis sales services online. However, the Camarillo Code of Ordinances prohibits marijuana delivery within the city's borders, except for deliveries by primary caregivers to their patients. This means most consumers must pick up their orders in person at the dispensaries.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Camarillo?

The establishment of marijuana dispensaries is banned in Camarillo.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Camarillo?

No, there are no marijuana dispensaries in Camarillo. Out-of-state tourists in the city seeking to buy adult-use cannabis can use other licensed pot dispensaries near Camarillo.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Camarillo?

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Camarillo. However, California law requires cannabis buyers to present valid IDs, medical cannabis cards, or physician recommendations, whichever is applicable, at licensed cannabis dispensaries.

Best Dispensaries in Camarillo

There are no weed dispensaries in Camarillo.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Camarillo?

No California dispensary operates in Camarillo but licensed dispensaries in the state scan customers' IDs.

How Many Dispensaries are in Camarillo?

Operating a commercial marijuana facility, including cannabis dispensaries, is prohibited in Camarillo.

Can Dispensaries in Camarillo Take Credit Cards?

No cannabis dispensary is located in Camarillo. However, no California-licensed weed dispensary takes credit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Camarillo?

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Camarillo.

Do Dispensaries in Camarillo Take Health Insurance?

Although Camarillo has no weed dispensaries, California-licensed marijuana dispensaries do not accept health insurance.

Do Dispensaries in Camarillo Track How Much Weed You Buy?

While no cannabis dispensary operates in Camarillo, state marijuana laws mandate every licensed weed dispensary in California to monitor cannabis sales with the California Cannabis Track and Trace (CCTT).

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Camarillo at Age 18?

A cannabis patient in Camarillo can enter any licensed medical marijuana dispensary near the city at 18. However, they must have a valid California medical marijuana card or a physician's recommendation for medical cannabis therapy.

Where Can I Find Camarillo Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) regulates medical and recreational cannabis in Camarillo. Its contact information is listed on the department's website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Camarillo?

Witnesses of illegal marijuana activities in Camarillo can file reports of such incidents with the Camarillo Police Department at (805) 654-9511 or contact the DCC at 1 (844) 612‑2322.